Galaxy Tab function disabled when battery life below 10%


May 7, 2011
I read that galaxy tab function such as camera, music, web browser, and brightness adjustment will be disabled/locked up when battery life is below 10%.

Can any owner verify that ?

I have strong interest in getting a galaxy tab but I think it is user unfriendly if those functions are limited due to low battery life.

Thank you
Hi! Yeap my galaxy tab does that, when below 10% of batery he stops the camera or doesn't let me start it, and puts the brightness to minimal but the rest still works great! GPS, wi-fi and all the other stuff.. But you can always decid your brigtness by nop put it on automatic and the problem of brithtness is solved. Ahh and yesterday i discovered that he doesn't let me play music too when below 10%. Hope this helps you to decide.

Sent from my Galaxy Tab using Android Tablet Forum
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