Google Contacts and Calendar Sync Help


Jan 8, 2011
Got a Flytouch but I cant figure out how ( or if) I can sync the calendar and contacts with my Google info . Theres no option whithin the contacts and calendar on the flytouch to do it and under Settings in the OS ( Android 1.6) theres no sync option. Is there a way ?? Or is thre a calendar app that syncs ( wifi) with Google as most like Jorte just grab whats on the tablet/phhone.

That is a function native in 2.2, but not in 2.1. Take a look at PocketInformant from the market, that might have what you need.
Thank you. I found an APP GooCalender and it worked but still cant find a way to sync the contacts with my google contacts. Anyone have a way or an APP to put on the Flytouch that can sync with google contacts Or even a way to export my EVO contatcs and put that Vcard File into the stock contact data base.
Thank you. I found an APP GooCalender and it worked but still cant find a way to sync the contacts with my google contacts. Anyone have a way or an APP to put on the Flytouch that can sync with google contacts Or even a way to export my EVO contatcs and put that Vcard File into the stock contact data base.

Hi, I have the same problem. I couldn't find GooCallendar though. Where did you find it? Did you find a solution for the contacts?

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The Gmail.APK cant be installed. Comes back cant install. I believe it needs to be pushed. Also I believe the gmail.apk is for Android 2.1 and the flytouch is 1.6 to 2.0 so this method does not work.
The Gmail.APK cant be installed. Comes back cant install. I believe it needs to be pushed. Also I believe the gmail.apk is for Android 2.1 and the flytouch is 1.6 to 2.0 so this method does not work.
Hahahahaha! Why don't you install gmail for 1.6 then ?

You say the method doesn't work, I disagree immediately! You haven't figured it out, so don't say it won't work for anyone. When someone is able to get gmail for 1.6 by using Google and just download that apk or just use another proper working ROM's gmail apk.
I have the old Gmail.apk for 1.6 that versions of Gmail for 1.6 has to be pushed you cant just install it so this method will not work for a flytouch. that method if you read it was for a different tablet. Gmail released a apk for Gmail that does not need to be pushed BUT it requires Android 2.1 or higher. The non working method above was for a wopad not a flytouch. The Wopad has Android 2.1 on it and the Gmail.apk can be installed on a wopad. You cant use it on a flytouch , sorry method will not work.
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Got a Flytouch but I cant figure out how ( or if) I can sync the calendar and contacts with my Google info . Theres no option whithin the contacts and calendar on the flytouch to do it and under Settings in the OS ( Android 1.6) theres no sync option. Is there a way ?? Or is thre a calendar app that syncs ( wifi) with Google as most like Jorte just grab whats on the tablet/phhone.


Here's a post on how to sync the contacts and calendar on the Flytouch 3. This or a similar method may work on the Flytouch with 1.6?! Hope this helps