Google Docs App


Jan 31, 2011
I use Google Docs a lot on PC. They recently released an android app here:

I doesn't show up in native S7 Market. I tried browsing to install (via above link), but it says it's not compatible with S7; so I can't install it that way either.

Here's a Nook thread where a poster made it so it would work with Nook:

I'm too lame, but can someone make this app easily available for our S7?


**edit** Browsing on S7 to the Nook thread and clicking on the provided link downloaded / installed the app. Here's a direct link to the app: /**edit**
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I just downloaded and installed it fine....

click on the nook post you listed.......... There is a link to download the apk, install and run.

Working on my s7

Sent from my IDEOS S7
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I tried to download to my S7 from the site and got the same error message ("This item is not compatible with your device"). I could not get the download to start.
@smartin - OK, I tried the link in your post & downloaded & installed the .apk, and that seemed to work OK.
Correct download it from the nook post link...... Works fine

Sent from my IDEOS S7
Thanks for the replies, guys. I was out of town for a few days, and I hadn't checked in. Sounds like it will work. I'll try again this weekend. You just navigated to, downloaded to, and installed right from the S7--right? No PC involvement.


Yep... downloading the .apk file from the Nook link worked. I navigated there using Firefox on S7. Clicking on the link, it was recognized as .apk file and asked if I wanted to install directly. No downloading and launching with File Manager required. Here's the direct link to the file:
I think I'll edit it into the first post, too--if the forum software will allow it.

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