Google Maps on M701-R


Nov 8, 2010
Since I first turned on my Haipad M701-R the Market reported there was an update for Google Maps...when I attempted to update, I got an Installation Unsuccessful error that the release keys didn't match...not that it's a huge deal seeing as these don't have GPS and Maps is almost worthless outside of general reference, it got my troubleshooting wheels spinning on how can this be fixed?

I uninstalled Maps using Titanium Backup (by default it is a system app) and tried reinstalling using the Market, and got a "incompatible update" error...

I'll report back what I find but has anyone else had this problem? Undoubtedly it is related to this not being a phone, and having to trick the Market into thinking it is, but still hitting road bumps. Can anyone confirm installing using an APK via sideloading works?

Again, not a huge issue, just annoying to pull up downloads and be told I have an update that I cannot apply.
From xda forum:
Google maps update failure fix (11-08-2010)
Connect using ADB and issue the following commands
adb remount busybox
rm /system/app/Maps.apk
cd /system/bin
sh pm uninstall

Now you can install the new Google Maps version from the Market (If not, just reboot the device & try again.

I have not tested this yet.
Thanks Zittergie! Worked like a charm. Of course I can only locate via wi-fi, but Google Maps insists that the GPS option also be turned on (even though there isn't a GPS) and that I'm not in Airplane Mode (even though there's no cell radio). Once I "turn on" all that non-existent stuff I also had to turn off the location by wi-fi and turn it back on so it would ask me, again, if I wanted to share anonymous wi-fi data. Fired up Maps and there's my pulsating blue dot location - or I should say on the cross-street in front of the house across from me, but that's still pretty damn close for doing it by my home wireless network.
Unfortunately, did not work for me...I think it's because I used Titanium Backup to uninstall Maps (after backing it up of course)...when I try to reinstall from the market it tells me incompatible update...also, when I try to restore it from backup, it never comes back...not like I need Maps, but oh least now I don't have a nagging "Update Available" flag me every time I open that market
Originally it told me "incompatible update" as well because I left off the command "adb remount busybox"

Used the terminal on Android Hackers app.
I did all the commands through ADB on my laptop with the tablet connected via USB debugging...I don't think I'm going to try using a terminal app on the tablet itself because really, Maps is pretty useless on it outside of a general reference.
Typing commands on the device itself is quite frustrating with the auto-spacing & word suggestions.
lol main reason I won't press the issue...I like my tablet better not embedded in a wall due to frustration