Got Amazon Movies to stream on stock updated NC...


Jan 6, 2011
well didn't have much hope that it would work.

This is on STOCK updated NC... but I have a Prime membership with Amazon so get free streaming movies... so thought what the heck lets try..
Well only thing is you have to put the Browser in MOBILE view.. and the movie started right up .. it had 2 pauses for a second or 2 but then kept right on going.. and has been going ever since... a little choppy but darn they are free movies... and you need ear buds as the volumn is low.

Also found Masterpiece Movies video site that work wonderfully.. for those that like that kind ME.... Masterpiece | PBS

and works find on it as well.. for current TV episodes..

Flash seems to be workign well on newly updated NC..
Note to Netflix.

Time to get your product to stream on Android.

IT'd be pretty dumb to give up your number 1 position as online video streaming you've worked so hard at - by letting Amazon sneak in front of the line.
I also have Amazon Prime and had no idea this was available. Thanks! But forgive me a totally noob question. I am trying to set browser (on stock nook update) to Mobile view and can't figure out where to do that.(The obvious places are just not working.)
Thanks! You have just made my evening.
To chg to Browser to Mobile. you open the Browser and go to the top far right of the tool bar where the multiple lines are ...hit that area.. and a drop down occures.. go to MORE OPTIONS then SETTINGS.. the nx screen at the first list .. says BROWSER MODE/USER AGENT... hit the pull down and switch to Mobile Browser..

Now this you need to REMEMBER... be sure after watching the movie to go back and Switch it Back to Desktop view... otherwise many sites will utilize Flash incorrectly. if in the MOBILE Mode....

Have some fun.....