GPS signal not working after 1 day


May 30, 2013
Hi All,
I have recently installed an Acer A100 tablet into my car to use for GPS navigation which went well the very first day using NAVFree USA. The second day trying to use the navigation it gives the "poor GPS" signal and NEVER does find my location...What a bummer.

I am running this tablet in "offline" mode not connected to wifi or using any data just purely off the GPS signals. I have also installed AutomateIt to automate some tasks

- When power is connected: Airplane mode OFF, Wifi OFF, Bluetooth ON
- When power is disconnected: Airplane mode ON, Bluetooth OFF, Screen sleep after 30 seconds.

I cannot for the life of me get it to work again. I have tried downloading other apps and it seems they too cannot find my location via the GPS signal either. I have also ended the tasks running and tried reinstalling. I've also tried rebooting the device.

I want GPS navigation just to show what streets im on, what streets are coming up next. I DO NOT use GPS for coordinates/poi directions.


No ideal must be gps hardware problem, I use NAVFree USA almost every other day on my lenovo 2109 without any problems.
I never mess with Airplane mode I have only heard bad things about this option.
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I'm thinking Airplane mode is doing something to my GPS signal then. I am only having airplane mode come on when car is off to save battery life. Is there any other method to doing so as I can't take the tablet out everytime I turn off the car.