HDMI Connection??


Oct 13, 2012
Am considering buying the Galaxy Note as it ticks most of the boxes for my requirements but need to know if it supports HDMI out and if so what kit is required???
Can you use the Wi-Fi Display AllShare Cast Hub (EAD-T10UDEGXEU)?? This would seem to give you all the advantages of Apple TV/Airplay.

Samsung could do with improving their website/marketing so that one can see easily all the possibilities from their machines.
You just need an HDMI adapter, quite inexpensive. This tablet is incredibly capable, really beyond my expectations which rarely hsppens.
Just heard back from Samsung Support - it took them a few days. They have advised that the Allshare Hub is compatible with the Galaxy Note 10.1. This will enable me to play games and control output from my sofa.

It would be helpful if Samsung had a compatabilıty chart for their accessories.
Of course I suggested that to them but I do not necessarily think that they will take any notice.

Subsequently found this YouTube Vid showing a 10.1 Note using the Allshare hub, not particularly good but gives an idea of the result and you can use the built in camera to send pıctures direct to TV.

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Finally got my Galaxy Note 10.1 + Aiishare Hub and am extremely pleased with everything. Still getting to grips with everything as this is my first Android & first Tablet but Allshare Hub is brilliant as can watch all films & TV, browse internet or play games on big screen when at home. The signal is strong enough that I can leave the tablet downstairs & still works TV upstairs in my office room. You can even be sneaky & leave camera on to see what is happening in other parts of the house.

Surprısed that Samsung do not list this as one of the accessories for Note 10.1.
Finally got my Galaxy Note 10.1 + Aiishare Hub and am extremely pleased with everything. Still getting to grips with everything as this is my first Android & first Tablet but Allshare Hub is brilliant as can watch all films & TV, browse internet or play games on big screen when at home. The signal is strong enough that I can leave the tablet downstairs & still works TV upstairs in my office room. You can even be sneaky & leave camera on to see what is happening in other parts of the house.

Surprısed that Samsung do not list this as one of the accessories for Note 10.1.

For some odd reason Samsung doesn't seem to communicate, or understand the commercial potential (which doesn't make a lot of sense) of the integration of its product offerings as a whole. It actually seems so busy pushing new products out the door, and is hugely successful doing so, that it doesn't seem to have the time to tie it all together.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
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