Hello from cathaven


Dec 21, 2011
Just joined the forum, which I happened upon while searching for information on how to get started with my A1CS 220 tablet. I bought a refurbished one from A1CS on eBay & while it does have an instruction manual, it doesn't really have any sort of what to do first guide. So far, I've worked out where to plug in the power adapter & have put the tablet on charge. Tried to turn it on, but it looks as if it doesn't do anything until charged up. Either that, or I have a faulty one, as nothing happens when I press the power switch.
Hopefully it will work great once it gets a charge. In the meantime, welcome to the forum, glad to have you here!

Hi, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.
Thanks. It's a steep learning curve for one who is used to windows. I eventually found the power switch. LOL
Now I have it logged on to my wireless network, I'm trying, with little luck, to work out how to explore files on the other computers on the network.
Glad to see it was just a matter of getting it charged up.