Hello From Sydney in Oz


May 28, 2012
Hi all:

I am a new Android Slate owner, just received my new Zenithink ZT-280 C91 Android 4.0. So far it seems to be pretty decent, however I do have one issue.

I run Windows XP Pro SP3, it's fully patched, and all updated. I have no trouble connecting with my Samsung Galaxy S (using Gingerbread) to this computer, in USB mode, however when I hook up the Zenithink the computer comes up with "USB Device not recognized". Now in Gingerbread the is a USB section in the settings, and it allows you to indicate how you want the unit to work in USB mode.

I'm thinking that this Android 4.0 (ICS) must do it differently. I can't find any setting anywhere for USB, so I don't know if it's a driver issue, or something wrong with the tablet, or what.

Anybody out there have a Zenithink like mine, with ICS on it and can give me a tip as to what needs to be done? If there are drivers needed for my computer, where would they be?Than


Hi BlackFireNova, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Zenithink ZT280 C91 & C91 Upgrade forum for you, where more people with that tablet are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!