HELP - Connecting Tablet to TV/Streaming


Nov 7, 2011
Hi All. I'm actually a computer tech but I'm a bit new to media boxes and the tablet as I've never dealt with it before, never had to. I'm familar with mso tof the terminology obvously and to Android. I'm actually posting this question for my uncle. I, personally have a far less complicated setup. I stream my media from my PC to my TV through HDMI - bam! done :p


He has a Sony Tablet S and has it connected to his home wireless network. He wants to be able to browse his media (videos, movies) from his desktop PC or his laptop ON his Sony Tablet...then he wants to connect his Tablet to his TV, somehow. Basically, he wants to be able to access the media on his laptop by means of the wireless connection...get it up on the tablet..then 'throw' it to his TV. He wants it to display on his TV. He was thinking he could connect his tablet to his TV somehow. The guy at the Sony store mentioned him getting a media box, which I am familiar with.

His TV has a few HDMI connections but that's part of the problem - the Sony Tablet lacks an HDMI port. His TV does NOT have any Ethernet or wireless devices built-in. He does have a Sony Blu-Ray player that has an Ethernet port and USB ports, which he uses all the time to connect an external Hard Drive to it, to playback downloaded media on his TV through the Blu-Ray player.

I want to know how to achieve this, what apps I need to do it (if any) and if someone can suggest a low-to mid price range media box. A step by step direction would be great. Looking for some suggestions and recommendations with regard to a good media box. He also uses Netflix a lot. Is it even possible to 'throw' media from the tablet to a TV like this? When the TV is not DLNA capable? I'm guessing that's what the media box is used for, as the Sony guy said? Thanks in advance and sorry about the jumble of a post!

EDIT: I was just thinking -- Why does he even need to use the Tablet for that anyway? He could just get, a WD media box (for example) and have that connect to his Wifi network....and all the media on his laptop could be played back on his TV, correct? If the WD box connects to the Wifi and the WD box also connects to the TV through HDMI...???
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You have pretty much answered ur own question. U don't need the tablet. WD boxes are great, I'm yet to find a file type that doesn't play on it. Although I don't have a wifi version of the WD box, I just move a portable HD. If u want to stream high def content I wouldn't recommend wifi anyway. If he still feels the need to use his tablet u will need a DLNA compatible network. Ie. everything needs to be certified.
Just get a WD box and he can use his tablet as an Ir remote for the setup ;) I guess I did.

Hm, Would there be any way then for him to copy his media on the laptop over to the WD box itself for play? Instead of streaming over wifi? I know its not recommended for streaming, the wireless.

Also, how exactly would we go about setting this up? I'm a little inexperienced with these media boxes. Do I need to set up a 'media server' on a computer on the network somewhere? Or will the WD box just scan any media that's on the network? May be easier to put all media he wants played in one folder or something (on the computer i mean, the 'server' .... just for organization.

Also, could you recommend a good WD box? Preferably something with the option of Wifi AND Ethernet ports, as well as the ability to playback Netflix and tons of media types. Something no more than 100 bucks preferably. But if that isn't possible (the price) its ok.
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To do what your uncle wants to do, you just need this app: bubbleUPnP

It does exactlly what you requested..

But note, I use it with my tv that its connected to my network, as your uncle has the bluray player connected (and in here im assuming that its capable of dlna too), it should be the same.. but you have to try..

Hope it helped..

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk
Last edited: I guess I did.

Hm, Would there be any way then for him to copy his media on the laptop over to the WD box itself for play? Instead of streaming over wifi? I know its not recommended for streaming, the wireless.

Also, how exactly would we go about setting this up? I'm a little inexperienced with these media boxes. Do I need to set up a 'media server' on a computer on the network somewhere? Or will the WD box just scan any media that's on the network? May be easier to put all media he wants played in one folder or something (on the computer i mean, the 'server' .... just for organization.

Also, could you recommend a good WD box? Preferably something with the option of Wifi AND Ethernet ports, as well as the ability to playback Netflix and tons of media types. Something no more than 100 bucks preferably. But if that isn't possible (the price) its ok.

if u only want to spend $100 u can get the WD Live TV but its not wifi and is just a media player, it does have ethernet though. u could also get a network hard drive and use that between tthe two or just get a small 1TB drive and dump all media on that. thats what I do. then if anyone wants to grab anything off u its easily poratable.
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What about if I want to stream eg. movies/picture fra tablet to dlna-tv (sony) ?
no pc just Sony tablet S, dlna TV (and a wifi-Router).

Tried looking @ android marked, but no luck for me.
Hoped somebody else know about dlna, please and thanks.
There are several ways of doing this: 1 He can use dnla if his TV is cmpatibile. 2 He can connect the big end of his usb cable to the Tv. 3. He can install siivo(free from thier website) and several free apps from android market eg ustream. 4 He can also use an app that allows him to control his Pc from his sony s.
I use all of thes methods and they work like magic especially the ability to search, list and play songs or video on your Tv just by typing the name of the artist or title of the song on your on your tablet from anywhere

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
I solved the streaming to TV issue.
Installed a MediaServer app (iMediaShare) at tablet and found the server at the TV via menu.
The rest is history as they say :)