Help finding fake iPad model (bricked)


Jun 2, 2011

my dad brought me that thing from china. He thought, that he bought me an iPad ;-) I tried to search everything but I didn't found any useful.
Can someone tell me what kind of tablet that is? (see pictures) I know that it had Android 2.2 on it and Via 8650. Also something ID 2.6...... When ist charges a red light is on and also a blue when the tablet is running.

It worked one day and than I put a formated SD in it. It still worked. Put after a while I ran out of battery and had to restarted it. Since than i only see a black screen which gets a little bit lighter. I tried to remove SD and all the stuff but nothing helped. I think it might be an Eken M008.

Is there any chance to get it working again or do have just good looking trash now?

Thanks in advance for your answers and sorry if this might be a dumb question, but I am not so familiar with Androidtablets.

Greetings Sissi

you may have an M009S, which is the Blue LED WM8650 variant. Try searching the Wonder Media thread for info on this.
Thanks pbrauer for the tip! What I forgot to say: it is 10" screen... Does this make any difference?