Help for WM8650 Tablet?


Mar 25, 2011
Hello there. Not sure if you remember me or not. You had given me a few ideas on which tablet to purchase. I did purchase a MID wm8650. There are many things I am trying to do with it; like enable the bluetooth for starters. I have no idea what any of this means; rooting etc. I read in another post that you can also turn your tablet into a phone that can make and receive calls but again I have no idea how to do any of this. I truly need some help. I was given an early b-day present wireless bluetooth head phones. I have now been scouring everywhere here and on the tablet itself to find the dialer or bluetooth information. The only area where I've found anything is in the PK manager and the apps are there; but I can't find them on the tablet at all. I am very disappointed since I purchased this tablet. I had assumed all of this would be very easy to do; but it's not. I also wanted to become the system admin on my tablet but all I can do is open up that part in the security section. How do I make myself the system admin on my device?? All of this is very confusing. I have never owned a tablet or any android device. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I doubt your tablet comes with bluetooth. I don't have experience with setting up the phone features either.

Normally, you should be able to become the system admin by running pre-packaged applications that do all this work for you. Normally, you are looking at one of these methods listed here:

Z4Root and SuperOneClick are the ones to try.

With the WM8650, you will probably get the most mileage out of it by installing an ebook reading application such as Aldiko:

Good luck...
I'm not too sure about Bluetooth either, but if you want to make your tablet better I recommend visiting this site You'll find tons of firmware's for most generic Chinese tablets. Hopefully you'll find yours. Also, some might have the Android market and all the Google apps, some wont. Some might be rooted too. If you have the 7", blue light, no vibrate I can recommend this one

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Wow thank you all so much for all of your helpful knowledge!!!! I have been busy with sick children and my job and was unable to log on here until today. I appreciate the help very much and would be lost without all of you!! The links are a life saver and when I get off work tonight I'm going to lock myself in the bathroom (the only room in the house I can be undisturbed LOL) and get to town!! Thank you all 100X over