Help: I need to edit text


Jul 25, 2011
I have a bunch of questions about editing text on the tablet, mainly due to not yet finding any info -- I've just discovered things as I went along. If there's a great tutorial, point me in that direction.

The first thing I'd like to know, is there a “Delete” key? On a PC keyboard, tap “Delete” and the character to the right of the cursor is gone. Can I do that using the stock keyboard?

Can I move the cursor using the onscreen keyboard (like I could with “arrow keys”)?

Every app has different ways of text editing, even forums are edited differently in Browser vs. Firefox. In Browser, you can tap/hold a line of text, then fine-tune the selection. I've also discovered there are some “swipe” commands. Is there a list of those?

Which text editing App will give me the most editing tools? I'd edit most text there, to copy/paste into the various Apps.
Google android keyboard shortcuts . Hope this is what your looking for.
I'll try that. Thanks!

[edit] I'm back. I found articles with all the the same info. They mention Alt, Menu, Search, and even Win keys (all supposedly Android Honeycomb tablet keyboard shortcuts, where they refer to "the standard Windows keyboard"). Is that accurate... that is, do those shortcuts work within the tablet? Where are those keys? Or are they saying to use a separate hardware Windows keyboard?

One of the first things I ever tried was Shift-Backspace, hoping that was a "delete" shortcut. It is NOT. But the articles say it is.
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I've found a video on youtube. They press the "Search" key, which I think is the "@", but it's tough to see for sure which key they press. That's on a built-in hardware keyboard. I really don't think any of the keyboard shortcuts I've found apply to the A500, but if they do, a web page link would help.

[edit] Nevermind about the "Search" key. That's for App shortcuts, so it definitely doesn't apply to the A500.
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The first thing I'd like to know, is there a “Delete” key? On a PC keyboard, tap “Delete” and the character to the right of the cursor is gone. Can I do that using the stock keyboard?

Surely you can't have missed the key in the upper right of the keyboard with a x contained in an arrow???

Try the swiftkey keyboard.
Surely you can't have missed the key in the upper right of the keyboard with a x contained in an arrow???

Try the swiftkey keyboard.

Yes I found the Backspace key. I was asking if there's a key combination that would do the same thing as Delete would on a standard keyboard.

I have Swiftkey Tablet X, but had so much trouble with it, I've hardly used it. I don't see anything fancier than Backspace on that one, either.

There are many more keys than Backspace and Tab on a typical keyboard, and some of them are accessed by "shortcuts" on some Android phones. How about on the A500?
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Swiftkey Tablet X is about the best keyboard you will find.

It has arrow keys as well. (Buried, but there is an option to un-bury them.

A simple right to left swipe across the keyboard will delete the entire prior word.

I use Swiftkey exclusively. The speed comes from selecting the suggestions, which often include the word you want BEFORE you type a single letter. I use the landscape full size version, not the split key thumb version. I can almost approach normal typing speed on that by using all fingers, no hunt and peck. It gets better with usage, as it learns the words and phrases you use all the time. Set it to Precise mode, and it works best.
Swiftkey throws up all over Firefox. I haven't decided if I want to give up Firefox, for the convenience of having Swiftkey. My problem has been that I'd like to use the tablet in a way that's comfortable for me, and it's hard to switch to an alien way to type. I did find the arrow keys, but though left/right fine adjustments of the cursor will be very nice, up/down just shifts the screen up or down. Weird. That makes no sense, and I have to unlearn that "up" moves the cursor up to the next line, because it won't. And that's all only in Google Docs. On the forums, the arrow keys do nothing. I have to keep in mind which editor I'm using, since the keyboard has less functionality in some edit boxes than others. That is hard to wrap my brain around -- that a "keyboard" works differently in different Apps. I actually don't like that "feature" at all. In Windows, the left arrow ALWAYS moves the cursor one letter to the left -- you don't have to remember you're using the App that WON'T do that. I have a stylus, but sometimes I'd swear there are places where the cursor will not move to, requiring deleting/retyping whole sentences, just to insert one letter. Android is definitely different.

It looks like I have indeed lost a lot of useful keys, which is good to know, but a disappointment. Deleting whole words is interesting, but will slow my typing greatly, when I merely needed to delete part of a word.
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There is a new beta of swiftkey designed to handle Firefox better, but unfortunatly its a private beta by invite only.
One of the things it addresses if firefox.

But seriously, Firefox is a long long way from being ready for prime time on Android. Why not try Opera or Dolphin HD, they are mature and tailored for Android.

On THIS forum, it tries to use a lot of java script which was designed specifically for Windows machines, a horrible choice for an Android centered forum. (What were they thinking?).

But if you go to the Forum Settings, (Settings, My Settings (left side), General Settings, scroll all the way down to Misc Options and select Standard Editor) it works better. But of course you have to find equivalent directions for other forums. So its not a general purpose solution. Again, Dolphin HD is said to do better at this than the stock browser.

I have to tug your beard just a little here :p about wanting a new device, but wanting it to work just exactly the same as your desktop PC. Its a whole different world. Its not going to be the same.

You might be happy with a bluetooth Mouse. Its really easy to position for corrections.
I know THIS model works perfectly with the ACER.
I have to tug your beard just a little here :p about wanting a new device, but wanting it to work just exactly the same as your desktop PC. Its a whole different world. Its not going to be the same.

Good point. The trick is figuring out what the differences are.

I'll give those other browsers another look. When I first compared them, Firefox had the most accurately formatted pages, but that's all it had going for it.

I've been trying to avoid using a hardware keyboard or mouse, just to force me to get practice on the tablet. But I may start to use the mouse a little more anyway.
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Ciao Icebike,

I'm new here and like ahclem (whose beard you tug) am concerned about text editing.

You say: I have to tug your beard just a little here :p about wanting a new device, but wanting it to work just exactly the same as your desktop PC. Its a whole different world. Its not going to be the same.

But what if... what if the software people have got it wrong and with just a single key, one crappy little key, editing - not just writing, but actually working on something you or others have written (adding and subtracting text) were made a bit easier?

I've been working on handhelds since time immemorial and find digiting on my HTC Flyer (for all other pursuits wonderful) a totally substandard experience. Evernotes and Google Docs are wonderful, but how about making old-fashioned erasing effortless?

Instead, pudgy and clumsy, often hit-and-miss fingers are forced to do precision work in cramped spaces requiring lots of mind and eye concentration (coordination) for routine actions.

That's a NEW world? No it isn't... It's great for web browsing, but for text editing it sucks.

I've given it some serious thought. Okay it's a brand new world... and as you say, never mind the old desktop PC. But writing / editing hasn't changed. The need to edit is still around... and will always be.

Why the hell should my DOS XT (that's right) DOS XT HP LX200 with a shareware text editor from the late eighties and early nineties (VDE) be far more efficient and powerful in terms of the actual business of text editing than my brand new HTC Flyer with a modern text editing shareware?

The geniuses have concentrated on the fabulous and arcane (i.e. synching with cloudland), but completely forgotten the poor writers, who DO want all the great stuff, all the portable power, the 3G Internet bliss of accessing dictionaries and Wikipedia while strolling through the park, (and even a game or two for distraction). but also need some decent editing capabilities.

So though I'm not a programmer or nerdy at all, I've come up with a solution. It would require a single command. I call it my one-key-editor.

I proposed it to Softmaker and the CEO said he liked the idea and would pass it on to the programmers and project people.

So don't pull beards. It's the same old world... now with Tablets. Tablets haven't changed the world of writing.
The "Hackers Keyboard" works very well on a tablet. Also, "Jota" is a good text editor if you are editing straight ascii text.


Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
The "Hackers Keyboard" works very well on a tablet. Also, "Jota" is a good text editor if you are editing straight ascii text.


Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum

Well I just went out and bought a bluetooth keyboard. I was looking at the ACER at $97-00 at Officeworks in Australia. Then I saw a TOSHIBA wireless keyboard going for $78-00 at JB HIFI. I bought the TOSHY keyboard and I very happy with it. It is a full Keyboard with arrow key the lot. Ive had it now about 24 hours and it has been working fine. I can't see the point in buying the ACER for $21-00 more when the Toshy works just as well with A500.:p
Well I just went out and bought a bluetooth keyboard. I was looking at the ACER at $97-00 at Officeworks in Australia. Then I saw a TOSHIBA wireless keyboard going for $78-00 at JB HIFI. I bought the TOSHY keyboard and I very happy with it. It is a full Keyboard with arrow key the lot. Ive had it now about 24 hours and it has been working fine. I can't see the point in buying the ACER for $21-00 more when the Toshy works just as well with A500.:p

You know, Acer has a Customer Service and Brand Loyalty "Black Ops" devision that deals with traitors like you....just saying...

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
You know, Acer has a Customer Service and Brand Loyalty "Black Ops" devision that deals with traitors like you....just saying...

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
They can come for me any time. I bought enough ACER products to have them eat their words. They should have given me a deal then if they were that interesrted in my business.:p