help!! mid tablet pc can not get on the internet :(


Aug 24, 2011
hello i bought a mid tablet pc from ebay arrived this morning very excited as present for daughter, 6 hours and counting since ive been trying to get on the internet with a very fustrated 7year old and i am begining to loose it lol

i thought simple find wifi enter password connect nope!

husband has blackberry connects fine to wifi i have a not so good phone but still connects to wi fi

so after 6 hours of searching the net and not finding any answers i turn to you please help

wifi icon does not appear
tried entering my own ip,net mask etc
says connecting then says out of range then wifi disconnects itself (not even sure if the wifi is on seen as no icon?

my router is N no idea what that is but from searching net could be somet to do with that ?

alot of places ive been for answers people have asked same q but havent got replies

ive also presed that little button on router to re set
and the re set on tablet
and restored factory settings

i can not give up till i get the answer lol please help
hello there, I have the same problem, if you resolved it please let me know how, im going crazy :s