[HELP] Vizio Bricked - Stuck in recovery


Nov 11, 2011
Hi all, I need some help to try to get my Vizio back to the factory settings. Here is my situation:1 - I attempted to change the fingerprint through an online guide which in turn got me stuck in the stock recovery for the Vizio.2 - I ran a data wipe from recovery - does not help3 - I ran a factory reset from recovery - does not help just boots right back into the screen with the exclamation point from there I can only get into recovery.Options that I can think of (please respond with others if you know any)1 - Reflash the stock system rom from recovery after all that is what recovery is for I thought - but there is no ROM file available (this is beyond me since most companies provide this via download for cases such as these for their customers)2 - Somehow adb in to the tablet and fix the build.prop file with the vizio fingerprint. This would be the easiest but I cannot get my adb to recognize the tablet in the state it is in. If I could just get adb working then I could fix this easily.3 - Is there a way to make a bootable sdcard image to get adb recognizing the device?4 - Somehow flash an alternate recovery and custom ROM - None available at the momentIn my experience with phones and tablets this really is not a bricked device since most have a rom that can be reflashed. That is the most frustrating thing about the Vizio the way they keep everything close to the vest and have not released a ROM that can be flashed.Does anyone have any suggestions? Its probably a good idea to get an unbrick procedure going for the Vizio since I am sure this will happen often with root and all.
Unfortunately, adb access is not available in the recovery boot.

PS: Could you please post the website of the guide you followed?