Help - Wifi tethering from iPhone 3gs


Jan 28, 2011
Hi all,
I am from Aussie land. I am proud owner of a Nook Color. I got it on Saturday. (one of my friend traveling to America got it for me.) I was following the website from last two weeks and I would like to thank you all for such a wonderful website with lot of information.

I rooted and installed lot of apps my NC yesterday. I am very impressed by it.

I have one question about Wifi. I hope you guys can help me. I have an iPhone 3gs and I followed the instructions on the xda-developers website from the thread "AdHoc Wifi support on the NC!" [FIX] AdHoc Wifi support on the NC! - xda-developers

I was able to work it out. My NC is recognizing my iPhone but is not able connect. Is there any alternative method?

I was wondering if it is possible to tether internet from my iPhone to NC from the microSd port. I was thinking of using a usb female to microsd adapter/converter or a usb female-female adapter to connect iPhone usb cable to NC. Will this work?

I live in country side and both these adapters are not available in my town. I will have to buy them online. I want to know if this will work in the mean while.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
I figured out how to tether from iPhone. Just a bit of trial and error and it worked.

Admin can close this thread if they want. Thank you.
Vinayp- would you care to share how you tether from your iphone 3gs? I have a huawei s7-and a jailbroken iphone 3gs with myWi. I can get all the way to connecting- it tells me to use usb tether but I want to use bluetooth. I have paired the iphone and the hs7, but they won't connect. And I don't think the micro usb will work to tether yet since it is still 2.1 android. Any advice? thanks.