Help with Cheepy Chinese Tablet and an Elm odb2 code reader


Jun 11, 2011
Hi all,

Android Virgin here!!!

I've just resurrected my grandsons 7 inch MID chinese tablet with a new touch screen ( bought him another Tab)

And been trying to get it to talk to my Elm odb2 USB code reader, ( used this up until now with my now slight dead laptop)

The tab talks to other usb devices ok, flash drives. mouse /keybds but not this ODB2.

Can anyone give a clue to anything that can be done to get them talking.

The torque app runs ok but obviously has no comms .

Running Android 4.0.4

Any help gratefully rec'd

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My cheap chinese tablet really doesn't like communicating via the mini-usb much .. It's OK with memory sticks and the laptop, but hardly anything else works .. certainly it won't see a portable hard drive that the laptops see, or an external GPS, it won't see a USB bluetooth dongle .. I guess they're cheap for a reason!

Mind, for 'playing' with and entertainment they're great :)
Same here . it talks to the PC perfectly and as its rooted I can get right in the crinkly bits , but thats as far as my current expertise goes ., also it doesn;t talk to a tiny blue tooth adaptor I have ,:(.

There must have been many thousands of these sold this christmas , and some must have survived ?? ;)
