

Jan 29, 2013
I have what may be a stupid question,but how do I change the prefrence by which you add a picture (like for facebook)? I accidentally pressed use always instead of once.
I have what may be a stupid question,but how do I change the prefrence by which you add a picture (like for facebook)? I accidentally pressed use always instead of once.

Welcome to the forum

I'm going to take a really wild guess here that the problem may be in the app you're using. If that's the case go to settings - apps - all (or running) and find the app. Tap it and tell it to clear settings, then force close (stop) and restart your TF.
In the Settings Section lee mentioned, there should be a "Clear Defaults" button if any default actions have been specified. Try this rather than the Clear Data for the app to see if that fixes the issue.