Hey! New Cruz User


Dec 5, 2010
Hi, I have been an HTC Eris user for just over a year and I love Android. I was dead set on going with an Android tablet, so I picked up a Velocity Micro Cruz tablet from Best Buy last night on sale for $250. I had done a lot of reading and research online and it seemed like this was the best bang for the buck and readily available. VM's site still has them listed for $200, so going to Best Buy was the cheapest and quickest way I found to get one. I am already wondering if I have buyer's remorse.

The Cruz is running Android 2.0 and I updated the firmware last night from VM's site to the latest. One dissapointment is the lack of access to what I THOUGHT was a universally used Android Marketplace. Instead, I have to use the VM's marketplace or a third party called "App Store". My biggest complaint about this is the lack of access to most of the apps I use on my phone, as well as the really lousy interface.

One hardware feature that I just decided to live without was Bluetooth. With only wifi, the addition of Bluetooth would have been nice. Since Wifi is my only connection, I had planned to use my rooted HTC Eris in wifi hotspot mode to provide internet to the tablet when on the go, but I cannot get the Cruz to see my hotspot. However, it works well with my in-house Wifi.

Just wondering if there are other Cruz users on the forum. I didn't see a sub forum of any kind, so I am hoping I didn't make a big mistake buying this version.

RPC Electronics, LLC
Dude if you've done a lot of research as you said, you would have read how bad the Cruz was

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I returned the cruz tablet after a week and got the huawei s7 from best buy instead. Strangely enough it is sold in the cell phones next to samsung's tab.

I was frustrated that the cruz has a non-standard cpu and a lot of apps force closed. The s7 has the real market place and just seems to be more responsive.

I'm very happy I made the switch.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Well Android devices can't connect to ad-hoc networks.

Ah, I didn't know that. I guess I assumed that since my phone running in hotspot mode, assigning IPs with DHCP was not considered AD HOC at that point. OK, well, looks like I need to find another way.

By the way, after I posted my initial post, I ran back up to Best Buy (almost an hour away) and asked about exchanging for the Huawei. They said "No problem, just pay the difference." So I did and so far I love it, except I can't get this to connect to my in-house wifi network. Figures, the Cruz connected right up and now the Huawei doesn't want to. I found a post where someone suggested turn OFF WPS and making the WEP key "shared", not "open". Now I need to give it a try.

I purchased a cruz ereader and I really want to enjoy the features. I reviewed youtube, and it appears the operation is friendly. Unfortunately, my screen made a pattern and I am locked out I purchased at Borders Book, and they do not know how to unlock. I called the help line and was on hold for over 2 hours, only to be informed to call back. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can unlock this device. I pressed reset, and it returned back with the lock on.
Good question.

Skyfire works for the Cruz as a youtube/flash substitute.

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