How can I delete an email account?


May 24, 2010
I am using an APAD Irobot, and I need to delete an account that I configurated this week. But I did not found an option to delete email accounts:(....

How can I delete an email account?

How can I delete an email account?
From GMail or regular email app?
The GMail app uses whatever gmail account you used to set your pad up. A quick Googling turned up this:
First go to Settings > Applications > Manage applications, and tap the Google Apps entry. Then tap 'Clear data', and tap 'OK' to confirm. This will delete your existing Google account details. To enter your new account details go to Settings > Data synchronization > Google and you'll be prompted with the set up dialogue. Enter your new account details and you're done.
Thanks for info. Did what u said and it changed mine to factory setting and it is not on my apps screen anymore.