How can I install Google Play on my Coby Kyros MID8042?

I originally thought that the Coby tablets were not Android compatible on the basis of a lack of an upgrade path, and thus forbidden from using the Play Store on that basis (see here and here for details). However, Coby tablets are permitted to use the Android name and the robot, which means Google must have determined that the tablets are Android compatible. Android compatible tablets are permitted to use the Play Store, at no cost. However Coby chose not to, which leads one to ask why.

Unless someone from Coby speaks up, we'll never know the real reason why Coby doesn't use the Play Store even though they are entitled to. However, my idle speculation on the matter boils down to this: Coby has an agreement with GetJar wherein GetJar pays Coby for the right to have GetJar be the only app store on the device. In return Coby agrees to promote that relationship in the packaging and instructions. In other words, Coby is contractually prohibited from placing the Play Store on their tablets even though they are entitled to do so.

TL;DR: Money is why Coby doesn't have the Play Store.
Sounds plausible. These exclusive dealings have gotten some companies in legal trouble in the past (MS?), but may not apply here.

I wonder why Google doesn't package the Google Play Store app as an easily available, standalone app (like the Amazon Appstore app), so that everyone can have access to their store.
My device came with GAPPS and the older Android Market app, but the Google Play .apk (various versions) only partially work (runs, lists, filters, searches, able to submit market comments, but crashes on download).

I'll ensure that the next tablet I buy has Google Play pre-installed by the Manufacturer. That, in itself, says a lot about the manufacturer and their degree of compatibility with Android and what Google intended it to be.

One also needs to be wary of using a Store app from dubious sources, as it could have been hacked to cull financial and other information for dubious purposes. Just saying...
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The reason Google doesn't do this is that they want to maintain some level of control over the process, despite the Play Store being available at no cost to any OEM that produces a compatible device. At least it's not Apple-level control, where Apple tells you what they think you need instead of letting you decide that for yourself.

As for your issue with the Play Store, it sounds as if your Google Apps framework may have gotten corrupted. If you're rooted you should be able to push a replacement file to the proper location.

As to intent, Google intends on making sure only compatible devices access the Play Store. However, OEMs are not required to have the Play Store installed on their tablets. Google cannot and will not force an OEM to include Google Apps on their tablet as that is a matter of choice for the OEM, NOT Google. Presence or lack thereof of the Play Store is not an indicator of compatiblity and never has been according to Google's own documentation. Trying to apply the Play Store as a standard of compatibility is equivalent to tilting at windmills.
I'd say GetJar is the after-market stereo in the example above.
GAPPS and Google Play are from Google, who publish Android.
Coby runs Android, doesn't it? Or does it run CobyOS?

It's about time end-users compelled manufacturers to do what the end users rightfully want and what Google intended.
Or they'll be looking for hacks that neither Coby nor Google might want to support.

From what is available online, the Google playstore requires that a device be google certified. It may be that the development costs are too great in a $100 Tablet.

Price and value are what makes the coby tablets so popular. But with so many models, the development costs may well be too much to keep the low price.

Do you know of any $100 tablwts that are google certified ?
As for your issue with the Play Store, it sounds as if your Google Apps framework may have gotten corrupted. If you're rooted you should be able to push a replacement file to the proper location.

Thanks for the tip. Strange that Google Maps, Navigation, Voice, Mail, Youtube etc. all work fine.
Even the old Android Market v3.3.12 that the device came with works fine.
But I will look into it when I get some time.

Presence or lack thereof of the Play Store is not an indicator of compatiblity and never has been according to Google's own documentation. Trying to apply the Play Store as a standard of compatibility is equivalent to tilting at windmills. indicates that the presence of Google Play (pre-installed by the Manufacturer) would indicate the device had been validated by Google as having passed the Google Compatibility Test Suite (CTS), i.e. "... if the device is to include Google Play, Google will typically validate the device for compatibility before agreeing to license the Google Play client software". So I maintain that the presence of a pre-installed Google Play can be used as a stringent measure of Android Compatibility for a device.
Google Play is only licensed for use by device manufacturers, according to the above FAQ (i.e. not by end users).
An Android Compatible device (i.e. one that passes the CTS) may not have included Google Play for whatever reason, and I think this is where Coby devices probably are at, if I understand you correctly.

The Google Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) thread is at if anybody is interested.
Do you know of any $100 tablwts that are google certified ?

The OP indicated ONDA had Google Play pre-installed. Possibly also AINOL tablets. Not sure of their exact prices, but I'm quite sure they are cheaper than a Nexus 7 (which would be the Gold Standard for Google Compatibility/Certification ;)
ICS/Android Noob here.
I am trying to root my 8042 in order to file transfer large pdfs/ebooks that are required for schoolwork. My classes start on monday please help!!

I do not have an SD chip/card, just my macbook, 8042 tablet and the internet.
My question:

a)How can I get my macbook to recognize my 8042 tablet?
I need to file transfer from my comp to my tablet?

b) I can figure out how to root after I know how to transfer files however, if someone wouldn't mind putting up rooting instructions I would be really grateful.

Thank you very much
