how do i log into google??


Dec 23, 2011
we went on vacation & i connected to thw hotels internet. now that we r back home, im connected to my network but can only get onthe internet. when i open gmail, it tells me no connection. when i try to go to markwr, it tells me i have to be lofged int google. ive tried everything but i cant seem to fix this :(
Did you go in and delete the hotel connections, and have you done a full restart?

sent from my HTC Thunderbolt
Have you used PDAnet at all, or any apps that set a proxy server?
yes i did try to use pdanet while we were away. i never got it to work though
If you still have PDAnet installed, be sure to clear the proxy settings. If not, you will have to reinstall it to clear them. You may also need to use AnyCut to clear them.

I have not done it myself, but most users can figure it out pretty quickly.

You can try this guide to see if it helps:

The other option is to do a factory reset.
ok i cleared the proxy settings but seriously a factory reset just to log into google?? that seems drastic. no other way??
ok i cleared the proxy settings but seriously a factory reset just to log into google?? that seems drastic. no other way??

If clearing the proxy settings does not work, then the other option that users have found to fix the issue is to do a factory reset.

I do not like that idea, but at the same time before using any app it is important to read about the app. On the PDAnet page in the market it clearly states that you need to clear the proxy settings before removing the app or you may have connectivity issues.
well that means i have to do a factory reset everytime i use pdanet or just never be able to download apps or use google? that sucks. when i shut down pdanet, it gave me the option to clear the settings & i did it severak times just to be sure & did a restart then so doing that at the time of shutting down odanet apparently is not enough. btw i never even got the pdanet tow work but wouldnlike to
well that means i have to do a factory reset everytime i use pdanet or just never be able to download apps or use google? that sucks. when i shut down pdanet, it gave me the option to clear the settings & i did it severak times just to be sure & did a restart then so doing that at the time of shutting down odanet apparently is not enough. btw i never even got the pdanet tow work but wouldnlike to

I believe that what you have to do is follow the link I posted and with PDAnet still installed create the shortcut described to clear your proxy settings.

Using this method with AnyCut will make it so you do not have to do a factory reset.

IMO PDAnet is more trouble than it is worth.