How do I transfer MP4 files?


Jan 1, 2013
Hi, just trying to put some movies from DVD onto the Tablet for my wife's few days in hospital but having a problem. I've put them in the PC ok, connected up the Tablet and the PC see's it ok so all seemed good. However, when I go into the PC's file manager I see 'internal storage' listed under the Tablet but see nothing in it. However looking at ES File Explorer on the Tablet there are lots of folders and files there. So what I thought was easy as in dragging them into the Tablet in the PC's file manager doesn't look so simple - although Mr Google suggests that's all I need to do.
Astrix thanks for sharing those links because i also want to need the transfer Mp4 files but i am failed to search the information that how i convert but these links very helpful for me...

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