How do you protect your NT?


Dec 7, 2011
To cover it or not to cover it. That's a big question, the NT feels good when you hold onto it and obviously, you need to be interactive with it. But with the vast number of cool cases available (which seems to be a good spin off market in itself for eReaders and the like), I was curious as to how everyone likes to protect their NT, either while using it or transporting it?

To get things started, here's a link to a really cool web site that makes high quality leather journal and eReader covers:
Oberon Design
Leather cases and covers for the Kindle, iPad, Nook, iPhone and our famous leather journals

If you're into this type of cover, their quality is amazing and they have some of the most unique covers I've ever seen. They don't seem to have any that allow you to prop it up, like with a built in stand, but they do have sleeves and folding covers.

Update on these covers.
I actually went ahead and ordered two of these covers, one for me and one for my wife. The online photos just can't do them justice. Absolutely beautiful quality and a well thought out design. Worth every penny.
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