How in the H3LL do I get wireless working? (ePad, WM8505, 2GB, 256MB, etc.)


Nov 28, 2010
First, let me say this forum is an EXCELLENT resource for owners of these el cheapo, (but fun!) Chinese mini-pcs. Kudos!

Secondly.. is there anyone else here who simply CANNOT get theirs to stay connected to a wireless Motorola router that's only 8 or 10 feet away??? I realize these are notorious for having crappy wireless performance - but, this is much worse than 'crappy'. It's virtually non-existent. I'm running Android v1.82 on mine, (no build number specified). Note: the same router has awesome range for ALL of my various laptops, PCs, etc. that are not 'hardwired' to the router.

I have already positively id'ed this unit as a Gome Flytouch; 256MB ram, 2GB drive, 7" touchscreen. Like many others on here, (yeah, I've been lurking lol), I bought this thing off an eBay seller before researching it. ANY help getting this little thingie to keep a wireless connection for over thirty seconds would be most appreciated. Also, not to be a know-it-all, (obviously I'm not LOL)... but I've already tried the most obvious things. Flashing the ROM is no problem for me, if this is simply a bug in the OS I'm running. When I click 'Turn on wireless', it does the 'Scanning' routine, and usually does not find my router (even if I'm standing right next to it). Then, after a couple of tries, it says, "Unable to scan". ARGH!

ANY help would be sincerely appreciated! Many thanks :confused:
i know on the zt-180 there were issues connecting when the wifi was set at "wep". workaround was to get a later rom and that solved the issue. looks like other folks have simply changed their router to wpa2 or one of the later security protocols
i know on the zt-180 there were issues connecting when the wifi was set at "wep". workaround was to get a later rom and that solved the issue. looks like other folks have simply changed their router to wpa2 or one of the later security protocols

WOW. You pegged my setup with just the limited info I provided. I am using WEP on my home network... I've spent at least 10 -12 hours Googling trying to find a fix for this majorly annoying 'bug'. I'm sure it won't be the last annoying bug I'll run into, though!

My personal hope is that someone.. somewhere.. will work up a custom remix of DSL or Puppy that has touchscreen capability, and an on-screen keyboard as good as Android's. Either of those distros will run quite nicely on a bare minimum of specs, and could theoretically transform these things into much faster (and much more useful) devices. Even with their base, non-OC'ed CPU speed of 300MHZ and 256MB of RAM, either of those distros would "fly"... making the name "FlyTouch" much more suitable.

One more question. Since you obviously know these things very well, which Android version, (or custom remix - or, maybe even a different distro altogether), would you personally suggest for this particular device? I've tried several others besides v1.82 so far, but out of all of them, touchscreen wouldn't work on ANY of them.. it's impossible to tweak (or even change) any settings if you don't have touchscreen capability. And, since I have to deal with Windoze constantly in my work, I haven't ventured into the Linux scripting/programming world as of yet. :(
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WMXx777 problem as I am. WIFI PROBLEM - Unable to Scan for Networks : my device build number is wmt2.0_105.
It was happen when I upgrade rom/rooted. Before I rooted wifi was OK, but system is too slow so I try to root other room. Many rooms I have been try like EPAD256.1.988.3k_2,epad_script7f21110b,VIA8505 WMT2.0_105,xFlytouch256.1.9.88.v4a, wmt2.0 rooted with market by zianna123, tz_script21111c, Tz_RSXTS_113ep2_script .. etc. Most of them working well - succeed on upgrade. BUT all of them : failed on WIFI, Unable to Scan for Networks. On the other forum has been discussing about same case like this one too.
I wonder if any official rom or firmware to get the original rom ?
Try this either of these 3 ROMS here I've found that site to be an excellent source. Also, I've had success with all three of these roms on my device. If you really want it to be as quick as possible... This one is a stripped down version, but does include market also!

If that doesn't work, it sounds like one of your wires going to your wireless module has broke off. You can either re-solder it to the board or.... and not really recommended... you can tape/glue it to the board. The last method worked on mine for a LONG time :)
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hi i have a zt180 and it pick up my signal but every time i type my password in right after it says disconnected.... am i doing something wrong? or what.