How new is Rom #121 for Haipad M701?


Oct 28, 2010
I have a brand new Moonse 7002E / Haipad 701-R

It has the HDMI out and the IR Remote and everything "works".

It says Kernel Version "2.6.29 cbsgpq@CBServer #121"

I have working Google Marketplace.

I have seen ROM versions of #348 and #370 fly around. Mine seems to do everything its supposed to. Im wonder if the #121 is in the same series as the #370 and then im woefully behind, but there seemed to be some evidence that there are at lease two strains of ROMS running around?

Should I be concerned? Should I upgrade?
My Hiapad M701-R also has that firmware. I too was wondering if it was up to date given that there have been recent firmware releases for the M701 and I've seen those #3xx ones around too. After finding conflicting info on different Android forums I finally just e-mailed the manufacturer and the official word they gave me was they have NOT released any firmware updates for the M701-R. We apparently have the latest official release already. I was told that I could apply the firmware released for the M701 on "9-30" but I would lose the remote control capability. I was also told there is an unofficial Android 2.2 "Froyo" rom available for testing, but it also removes some functionality (if I recall the camera was one thing that doesn't work with it yet).
Thanks for your reply. Your experience mirrors mine. There seems to be 3 groups of roms out there, the #1XX series - ours, the #3XX series that MIGHT revolve around that XT5 system and a series based on date. I have yet to discover a rosetta stone relating them to each other.