How to replace a broken screen m707-r

Hello there!

Unfortunetely I also broke my imito IM7s screen.
I already contacted the online store where I bought it (lightinthebox) and still waiting for their answer, but I sincerely doubt they will have a cost-effective solution.

Anyone have any suggestion?

Thanks in advance,
i broke my screen and have the same exact 7 inch haipad as the one you shown above, and managed to get the screen off with a swiss knife.
did the job, and the lcd was unharmed but i really WANT A REPLACEMENT SCREEN, live in australia.
please assist
The four wire connector seems to be attached to the processor of the tablet in some way. I don't want to pull on it for fear I"ll break something. Does it clip on? How do you unconnect so you could attach a new one? Thanks.
Thanks for posting, I was able to get the screens off BOTH of my broken android tablets (ouch!). The four wire connector doesn't seem to want to come loose from the processor easily and I'm hesitant to yank on it. Is there a trick to detaching it? My screens were the same size as yours (100mm by 161mm) but the four wire connector is attached to the screen in a different spot on each -- right side in the center on one; on the bottom, three quarters of the way to the right side on the other. Any ideas on where to find replacements? Thanks! Scott
My friend:
I just broke my Haipad MID 701 tochscreen glass and I need to dissasemble my unit to replace it when I get a new one.
You explain her how to, but pictures cannot be seen.
Can you re-upload pictures somewhere and give us the link for viewing?
Already I need too a good link telling me where I can buy a replacement (only glass resistive tochscreen).
Thanks a lot.

Cheer from CHILE (33 miners country !!)

I hope all who read find it useful but never have to use it. This is for the hiapad mid m701-r and this should work for similar.
I did it this way so I did not damage the frame when removing the glass.
Clear space and get all things ready

Pick up corner first with blade or similar

When up enough push thin plastic card between black plastic and frame

Push in and work your way around leave left side of home button till last

Make sure all black sides are unstuck from frame

Glass removed, pull cable out, mine came out really easy

Scrape access glue off frame with card

Some times you can get a good bit and pull it right off, make sure its all removed

Use a pleck and seperate frame from back casing

Use a magic blue tool or other to pop small clips from frame about 4 each side 2 top n bottom

Work all the way around

Wahey all done good job

Now all you need to do is put new screen onto frame, usually screen has sticky strips around edge just peel away backing and stick firmly ensuring cable is through slot and out of the way. Then connect cable and clip frame back together.
Once complete run fingers down black edge to ensure it stuck well and frame is clipped properly and enjoy.

Also I believe the wifi antenna could well be improved it just sticky copper tape with backing paper still on, any ideas. See pic below