How to unlock A13 supposed overclocking potential?


Aug 21, 2012
Being deceived by wrong product specs sheet is pretty standard stuff when buying from no name vendors, so I can't say I was surprised when I discovered that my A13 listed as 1.5Ghz was in fact running at a conservative 1Ghz.

Well... let's pretend for a moment that this 1.5Ghz the vendor listed could in fact be reached via overclocking. I downloaded SetCpu and Voltage Control (no voltage control for A13 unfortunately) and tried my luck.

The thing max out at 1200Mhz, exactly. Hummm, such a nice rounded number! But a pretty long way to go for 1.5Ghz isn't it?

So, could anyone shed a light on the subject? Is it software locked or is this 1.5Ghz just a vendor specs sheet lie?
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