I have to keep refreshing my Wifi connection to get access to web or mail.

Bill Dag

Junior Member
Jan 24, 2016
Asus Z300 tablet 34 days old.
(Using BT Home Hub 3)
I have to keep refreshing my Wifi connection to get access to web or mail.
What I do
Want to connect to web open browser (have used Google. Tablet Web browser & Chrome,)
browser opens but it won't connect to web.
Check Wifi connection in settings says its connected, open Wifi says signal strength excellent, link speed 58Mbps, Frequency2.4GHz, WPA/WPA2 PSK.
I tell it to forget.
Reopen my connection.
Says signal strength excellent, Security WPA/WPA2 PSK. Type in code, says Connecting in a few seconds says Connected. With signal strength excellent, link speed 58Mbps, Frequency 2.4GHz, WPA/WPA2 PSK.
I can then open a web page, most times just the one then need to reset Wifi connection once more.
There have been occasions when it will open several web pages and it has stayed connected for a day or so occasionally.
The Tablet was not used much for web to start with and it's only in the last week or so the problem has been noticed.
I did contact Asus who told me to try and reset the tablet. This I did and it was successful for a few days but has now gone back to the scenario above
We have two Android phones and a Nexus tablet. A lap top Vi Wifi and desk top vi cable running Windows , all work fine though the hub. I have also reset the hub.
Any help or advice would be appreciated
Welcome to the forum

See what happens if you input fixed IP - DNS etc into the WiFi connection.
Welcome to the forum

See what happens if you input fixed IP - DNS etc into the WiFi connection.

Thank you for reply

I started to do as you say then the link speed went to 11Mbps
So installed WiFi Analyzer which confirmed the speed.
What I don't understand is the value, country to what I would have thought it shoes lower speeds in green higher fingers in yellow and white, must admit having trouble working out what all the graphs mean.
So is it the lower the finger the better?
At the moment it's behaving its self but as I was saying it does do that
will give you an update
Higher is better. On the default screen you're looking for the longest green bar.