ICS update will not download

Must be just the NZ/Australian release then. Did you access the help desk online or via phone to the Australian office? According to Acer the NZ/AU update was not scheduled till may for some time. So if they rolled it out early, or transmitted data long distance and it was glitched then that's the problem.

May explain some differences in build numbers as well, or a goof in what was released in regions.

Hope it's not a repeat of the HTC blunder that bricked regional phones.
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Let's everybody just say we don't really know what the situation is. If there is an issue and you are in OZ you should be happy that they aren't letting you update. It would be helpful to others if you could post the "official" release. Even if the phone ops are correct it isn't official until Acer makes an announcement. They may never make an announcement and correct something behind the scenes or even determine there is nothing wrong and proceed. Eitherway it doesn't cost you anything but a little time.

It is also too early to say the reports of an issue are bogus. Maybe it will turn out there is an issue in certain situations. If you had a good update and you are happy with ICS try and help those that haven't been so fortunate so they can enjoy the update the same way you are.

:) JP
Thank you and well put!
The OFFICIAL STATUS here in OZ is that there is something not quite right with the version of ICS for AUSTRALIA and therefore the OTA for AUSTRALIA has been halted and OFFICIALLY rescheduled for 16/17 MAY. Whether you're not happy about it makes no differnce to me. Maybe you think ACER is lying - take it up with them. Don't imply that one of us here in OZ are liars.:mad:

Thanks, Douvie. I only joined the forum to find out what was happening with the update. Once I found out I did my level best to placate the bewildering fear that some were experiencing with those nutty "move to a better area" messages. As I wrote previously I was only trying to help, not hinder and I reported, faithfully, what I was told over the phone.
Douvie said:
Oh well I suppose we Aussies just have to wait another 2 - 3 weeks. Oh well at least that is good to know. Just think about it Stroppy, things will have quietened down somewhat and we won't get as many errors when downloading. Thanks for the help I appreciated it. Don't take what others say too literally - I don't like being called a liar either.

Good on ya mate!

I live n the U.S, have a Gen2 a100 n STILL haven't gotten the update. I've tried everything short of the leaked ROM. idk what to do. So ur not alone n this. I know that I wont buy another Acer product or recommend one again. 7 ppl have bought one cuz I recommended it, wont happen again.
Greg_E said:
I thought a100 was going to be after the a500 not at the same time.

Well, theyve said a lot of different things. Was suppposed to get it the 27th.........still nothing.
Let's everybody just say we don't really know what the situation is. If there is an issue and you are in OZ you should be happy that they aren't letting you update. It would be helpful to others if you could post the "official" release. Even if the phone ops are correct it isn't official until Acer makes an announcement. They may never make an announcement and correct something behind the scenes or even determine there is nothing wrong and proceed. Eitherway it doesn't cost you anything but a little time.

It is also too early to say the reports of an issue are bogus. Maybe it will turn out there is an issue in certain situations. If you had a good update and you are happy with ICS try and help those that haven't been so fortunate so they can enjoy the update the same way you are.

:) JP

I'd give you that quote if I could. The problem is that there is no "email address" for ACER in Australia. For problems and support we need to pick up the phone. That how we get support here in Australia. Unless I actually record the conversation. If you want to check the Australian website go for it. It is not anything like the US website.
Yeah that is the one thing that me really teed off. I've tried dealing with ACER before - some years ago. I had bought 2 Aspire One netbooks which didn't come with the OS disks. I tried reasoning with ACER support that that was necessary to have the OS disks so that I could reload system in the event of a HD crash. I got nowhere. So I had to come up with a way to create a CD/DVD back up of the OZ. And I did sucessfully no thanks to ACER.
It is now standard that Acer (and many other manufacturers) do not include the restore disks. They do include a utility to burn the restore disks which you are supposed to do first thing. Kind of sucks when it may take you a couple hours to burn them on a USB connected DVD burner (which you also might not possess). I would hope their expensive Ultrabook at least comes with the disks. Best company seems to be Fujitsu which includes the restore disks with each machine, and they work great when you need them.

Either I can't get to the facebook page, or it has been removed.
It is now standard that Acer (and many other manufacturers) do not include the restore disks. They do include a utility to burn the restore disks which you are supposed to do first thing. Kind of sucks when it may take you a couple hours to burn them on a USB connected DVD burner (which you also might not possess). I would hope their expensive Ultrabook at least comes with the disks. Best company seems to be Fujitsu which includes the restore disks with each machine, and they work great when you need them.

Either I can't get to the facebook page, or it has been removed.

I've just tried that fb page and it works fine.

With the netbooks I had to download a different ACER e..., install that, then get a different version of the backup program and get the burner software as well. Well I did it and it works fine.

Not impressed with ACER service.