I'm new to rooting and flashing


Jan 17, 2011
I was given a Rockchip 2818 (from what I can tell) for the holidays, and I've been trying to figure out how to root it and how to flash a ROM onto it. I've found a thread talking about a pre-rooted ROM for the 2818, but since I don't know how to find out my manufacturer and make/model of the pad, I don't want to take the risk of bricking my tablet. Does anybody know of good places for somebody just starting to get into this to start looking at how to root this device and/or if there are ROMs available for it?
look at the sub-forum for your device, and look at the Rooting threads in the General section of this site.

Good luck
Basically there is no permanent root for your device unless someone repacks the firmware for you.
Basically there is no permanent root for your device unless someone repacks the firmware for you.

How would I find out about a repacked firmware? What should I be looking for, ROMs, images, etc? And how would they have been able to root it to get that into the firmware.

Also, there doesn't seem to be any subforum for the 2818.