I'm trying to find a decent print-to-pdf app, to create pdf's for annotating.


Sep 26, 2012
forgive me, i did try searching throught the forums for posts with 'pdf' mentioned, but i didnt get it to work.

to business.... i make use for some software on my desktop that i want to try and find a similar set of tools for my tablet (samsung galaxy tab p7500).

first off, i make used of pdf annotator for pc, and need a solid application to write notes all over articles i download in pdf format. iAnnotator seems to function relatively well, but the writing it rather stiff by comparison to lecturenotes. if anyone knows of an app for android that works well, one that allows adding and removing pages, all the bells and whistles, please tell me.

second, and more importantly, i cant even find a simple program to print documents to pdf. something that doesnt require web access. something that compares to 'pdf creator' i use on the pc. i need to be able to take a pdf, and in printing, convert it from portrait to landscape to give me space to write notes all around. basically, i need an app that will function as an installed printer.

any useful advice will be appreciated, thanks.
This may be your lucky day, and welcome to the forum This Office Suite Pro is on sale today for $0.25. It will covert documents to PDF. Also I use EZPdf for notations and my customers use it for getting their clients to sign documents. You also may want to check out Repligo. Neither PDF app is free but the Office Suite is a steal, today only as I understand it.