Inserting microSD card into Kyros


Jan 31, 2011
I feel really stupid right now. I am trying to get the memory card into slot on the Kyros. The instruction booklet says to insert with the contacts up facing the LCD, but the image on the slot shows the memory card fin on the right hand side, which would be contacts down. Which is the correct way to put it in? I don't want to force it in and break the card off in it. Sorry for being a newbie on this one.
I am now getting a memory card image on top. It looks like it slides in contact side up, but when it clicks the card slides back out. It doesn't lock into place. Any ideas?
Contacts down. I have to push mine in with a finger nail. It will lock in.

Sent from my Samsung Mesmerize Galaxy S
I am about to give up on this thing already. I can't get the card to go in. It keeps popping back out contacts down.
When I did insert it contacts up, I can hear the spring go down and lock into place. But the card slides back out.

If I put it in contacts down, its like it doesn't go down far enough to lock it into place. I even tried used the end of a credit card to push it down but it won't stay.
I ran into a lot of trouble inserting my first SD card tonight so I figured I would document the process for anyone like me who's searching this forum for answers on this issue.

First of all, do anything, but try not to touch the contacts on the SD card. If you do (I did, accidentally), you may still be OK, but it's not recommended.

1) For the Coby MID7015, as stated above in this thread, the SD card goes in contacts down, meaning that the tiny exposed metal contacts on the card are facing the bottom of the device and facing away from the touchscreen. My copy of the manual says "contacts up"; that simply isn't the case. CobyUSA has not put anything on their Support site about this, which I find quite strange, to put it mildly.
2) I had to give the card a push with the edge of a pair of scissors (not the point) to get it to stay in the slot. YMMV. Next time I might try grasping the SD card with a pair of square-ended tweezers (avoiding the contacts of course) and pushing it in.
3) If all goes well, you'll see two status messages at the top left of the screen. The second message should say "Preparing SD card...". This message will go away after a second or so.
4) I got an exception error message that a process (I think it was "acore") had to close. I accepted the close. I don't know if this was related but it doesn't seem to have messed up anything else.
5) Check your SD card by going into Settings => SD card & device storage. You should see that the SD card has a certain amount of memory, probably close to but not exactly what the SD card's packaging bills it as having.

If your SD card shows up as "unavailable" in Settings => SD card & device storage, take the SD card out, power off, power back on and try again. I kept getting "SD card unexpectedly removed" because I couldn't get the bleeping thing to stay in without a firm push from a fine-pointed object. Even the first time I got it to stay put, I still got "SD card unavailable." Persistence and patience will pay off eventually.

If you actually have managed to mount the SD card, don't take it out physically without unmounting it. Settings => SD card & device storage => Unmount SD Card allows you to unmount the card.

Oh yeah - taking the SD card out is almost as fun as putting it in, maybe even more. If you press on it with a pointed but not sharp edge you will probably have some luck.
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Just got my Kyros MID7015. Having problems inserting a perfectly good Kingston 4G card (it works on my PC). If I push in hard and keep my finger on it I get the message "Preparing SD card..." But when I remove my finger the card pops out and get a message that the card was unexpectedly removed. I have been trying now for an hour. My wife tried too just in case. Same thing... Tried doing it while the device was turned off. It did not help. Anything else I can do besides returning the device?
Further on my previous message. This morning I called Coby Support. They advised to press the SD card down (or up) while inserting it. Tried all different ways. The card is recognized while I keep my finger on it. Once I lift my finger, out it comes.

The Kyros MID7015 is going back as defective. I am totally frustrated! I looked forward to follow all the good advice in this forum and get a great Android tablet - a replacement (and more) to my laptop.
All - Just a point of reference. The 'latch' or 'spring' system that holds the Micro SD card in place is a bit inset from the external framing of the tablet device. This means that you must use something to push in the SD card further than most peoples' fingertips will allow.

I would not recommend using anything sharp or metallic, as your 'grip' on the edge of the SD card may slip, and you may ultimately damage the SD card, the tablet itself, or both.

I would recommend using the included Stylus to help insert the SD card, if you don't have fingernails that will work. Although I haven't used it for much else, I found the stylus works great for this.