Installing Gingerbread 2.3.3 to MID7015 After Rooting w/ Android Market and Clockwork


Aug 20, 2011
I'm having some major difficulties and am looking for some help.

I rooted my MID7015 a week ago successfully, (mind you it did take me 5 hours to fully figure out), and would like to install Gingerbread 2.3.3 now.

First, I'm wondering if I have to restore the tablet to Factory Defult in order to do so?

Second, I have followed all the steps, (in the 12 step process from Tipstir), up to Step #3. I seem to be hitting a snag. I have copied FWDN to my desktop, and plugged the tablet into the computer.
Currently the tablet is on the screen with the blue letters saying "The Device Enter FWDN Mode" and "Waiting....."

(Side note here: When I plug my tablet to my computer in normal mode, I have no issues with the tablet and the computer communicating, however, when I pull up this FWDN mode my computer does not recognize the tablet and no "drivers" are showing on my "My Computer" window. I don't know what is causing this either.)

I pull up FWDN and now what the hell do I do?

I've been watching the You Tube video on how to, and added the files from Step #2 as shown in numerous screen shots I've seen.

Is it my understanding that I hit "Start" next? Because when I do, (see attached photo), you'll notice the screen that pops up on my computer.


I have no idea what to do after that?

I would really appreciate the help. I know I can be a little dumb, but this is besides me apparently.
did you install VTC driver ver. 5 for Windows?
normal mode and FWDN mode are completely different thing for Windows. VTC driver need to be installed to use FWDN.exe and FWDN mode.

I don't know "steps" written in closed forum at all. please refer "How to flash FWDN image" here: xda-developers - View Single Post - [DEV] unofficial CyanogenMod 7/ClockworkMod Recovery 4 for TCC8902/TCC8803 tablets

if you flashed 2.3 ROM on 7015, no way to restore 100% same factory default. you need to reflash bootloader for 2.1, but there is no bootloader from COBY. you need to use one from chinese ROM. (it works, but not 100% same)
Where can I find the VTC driver for windows? Everything I have been trying thus far has not been downloading correctly.