

May 28, 2011
Not sure if I actually introduced myself when I joined or not so thought I would do the intro now. lol.

I'm an android phone user, was going to get the ipad 2 (sorry for swearing) but have gone right off apple cos of their control freak attitude and the fact that their ipad 2 has a common fault of screen bleed with alot of unhappy customers.

Enough of that, I have decided to be more sensible and pay off one of my mobile phone contracts and get myself a lower end android tablet instead to keep me going for a year until the more advanced ones are out.

Now, I will have around £200 to spend, possibly more depending on which contract I decide to pay off.

The two tablets I have looked at so far are the Ibex Facepad and the Advent Vega. I prefer capacative screen so that puts the Vega in the lead.

I also played with the samsung galaxy tab 7" and it was awesome but a hundred pounds more expensive so not sure about that plus I would prefer a 10" screen but it did run very fast and very responsive. lol.

Anyway, I would be interested to hear of any experiences with problems that can occur with the Advent Vega. I have played on it in pc world and got on fine with it but that's only playing with one in the store.

I believe there is a market issue with the Vega but have read there is a fix for that so as long as the fix works properly, am not concerned.

What I would like to know is what battery life is really like, what glitches or faults people have come across and what the nicest things are about it.

Geez, I've turned this into a Vega thread so if mods want to move my intro to another part of the board, please do.

Thanks in advance for any input.

Welcome to the forum. I love my g-tablet, which is very close to the Vega. that is an excellent choice.

Sent from my Bottle of Smoke using Android Tablet Forum
Where did you get the gtablet from? Might have a look at that too. I have a few weeks to decide which one yet so want to keep my options open. lol.
I got my gTablet at Office Depot for $300.00. There are no there places, but I wanted it that day.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
There are other places. Keyboard messed up. The application would not let me modify post.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum