ipad comparison comments please


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2012
Just wondered how other ztpad owners felt about comparing to the ipad.
I wanted to make a poll here but not sure if it's possible
I give my ztpad a 7 mainly because of a few app issues and not too fond of the touch controls ,home,back etc...
Realistically at a 3rd of the price of an ipad you can't complain about any issues the Zenithink has in my opinion!
I wasn't trying to complain just like to see how others rate the zpad compared to ipad,of course its great for the money.opinions is all
I've been using an Android smartphone for nearly 2½ Years now, a Froyo Zt-180 tablet for nearly a year, and now my ICS 4.03 equipped Upgraded C91 for nearly 5½ Months. I have 2 very close friends from Church who have Ipad 2 tablets and one who uses an Ipad 3

These are my observations:


The Ipad is a quality tablet/The Upgraded C91 is a quality tablet.
Score Even

The Ipad 3 has better screen resolution.
Score 1 for Ipad

The increased screen resolution of the Ipad 3 gobbles memory in huge chunks, that because the memory can't be expanded severely limits functionality.
Score 1 for the C91.

Cost comparison is the difference between about $200 for a C91 with a 32 gig tft card and an Ipad with 32 gigs for $599.
Score 1 for the C91.

Ports on the Ipad are virtually non-existent while you have all kinds of ports on the C91 including.a USB 2.0 that provides nearly unlimited expandability to the C91. Score 1 for the C91.

Controls for hardware on the C91 are located perfectly for a right handed person.
Score 1 for the C91


The Upgraded C91-4,
The Ipad -1,
One Split Vote on hardware


The firmware upgrade path for Android 4.03 on the C91 is nothing short of elegant.
Score at least even

The screen on Android 4.03 is infinitely customizable.
Score 1for Android.

Then there's T-Swipe Pro. Nothing compares with it on the Ipad side of the fence. This is a super great text input tool.
Score 1 for Android.

My Sword Deluxe Tablet Edition for Android. This is expensive software, but this is the very best Bible Study software available except for e-Sword on the pc-Period!
Score 1 for Android.

File Manager. Again there is nothing on the Ipad side of the aisle to compete.
Score 1 for Android.

Total score:

One split vote and four votes for the Android 4.03 system.

There are all kinds of super great productivity tools available for the Android 4.03 system. With those I've named, Android 4.03 goes from being run of the mill, ho-hum to incredibly exciting.

I love my Upgraded C91, and I'm looking forward to the arrival of Jelly Bean.

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