Is it possible to be too obsessed about Android Tablets?


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Nov 26, 2010
A few days ago my lovely wife and I were doing our weekly Sunday routine of laundry. As i'm quite sure most of you know, it's so much fun! Ok... that is being sarcastic, but it has to get done. We are a family of four, so laundry time is a good couple of hours.

Ever since I got my Droid2 phone, i've been using it quite a lot. I mostly use it to browse the internet, and watch videos. I have a Samsung Omnia (which isn't a bad windows phone), but of course I love my Droid2.

This last month I've been watching quite a lot of android tablet videos over on To the point, where it appears my wife has caught on. Maybe i'm too obsessed with Android, or possibly do I have a fatal attraction obsession with it!? I doubt that... but??? lol

Anyways, while my wife was reading her book... she caught me checking out my phone. She looked over and said "Your not checking out those tablet videos again are you?" Well the smile on my face and the look I gave her... told her everything.

"Woah... your a bit obsessed with those things aren't you?" she said. I told her it was better I was watching these videos, then looking at other woman. She said, "I could always keep the tablet with me... so then I would get all of your attention". LMAO.. it was all fun and in jest :)
Haha that sound just like my wife and being obsessed with Android is nor a bad thing

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...I could think of far things to be obsessed about :)
It is only a bad thing when you have one of each processor type and want more....
sounds like my wife, when your having too much fun they gotta pull in the reigns. and no, you can never be to obsessed. shes bitching at me as we speak.
Hi guys, I played 3 weeks ago with the galaxy tab- and got me my wife and a colleague “infected“. I put 699€ on the register and didn't regret a single cent. I know there is an ongoing addiction here ;)

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The way I see it, our obsession is only going to garner more attention from major producers and produce greater technology. So in a way we are setting the technological trend so future generations can reap the benefits of our pioneering.

gotta go, there's another review on youtube
Obsessed..... of course I am. Does it effect my daily life..... not in the slightest.
It's good to have a high interest in something, it keeps the brain highly stimulated and increases the level of detail in your senses.
Obsessed..... of course I am. Does it effect my daily life..... not in the slightest.
It's good to have a high interest in something, it keeps the brain highly stimulated and increases the level of detail in your senses.

There ya go!!! I'm going to forward this reply to my wife.. perfect!! thx :)
i'm pretty sure i have a addiction , it's 13 days till xmas and my gf has bought me a tablet , i dunno what one but i know she has and i swear iv'e never read so many forum posts in my life and i'm pretty sure i have been dreaming about using one aswell , Jesus i can see an addiction here ... maybe tablets will replace smoking .
When you start dreaming about tablets.... you are obsessed, but welcome to the club. I'm the same way... =)

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