Is it worth going to android 3.0


May 15, 2011
Is it worth upgrading to 3.0 or should I give it time for them to work the bugs out? I would jump on it if 3.0 included a driver for a 3g usb stick and an a ethernet interface. That is the only thing the gtab would need to make it rock.
I've heard nothing but good things so far in the Honeycomb threads. Personally, I'm waiting a bit before I do the switch. I'm still happy with my Harmony-Gingerbread ROM.
I'm sticking with Vegan-Gingerbread RC1 for now... meets my needs, am considering flashing the kernel once I know what this does... Dan
I have to say for me, absolutely worth it. For what i do with my tablet I have had no issues and love the interface, speed and the stability (honest). I don't watch movies on my tablet so that is not an issue, and I am not a big gamer either. I use mine for work functions, web, email, calendar and reading apps like Feedly and Amazon Kindle. For those the 3.0 platform is really the reason I wanted a tablet from the beginning.