Is velocity micro reliable?


Jan 18, 2012
I would like to know if the T408 or T410 tablets are durable or not?
do they freeze or come DOA or with other problems like archos tablets?

which is more reliable archos or velocity micro?
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Mine Seems fine. Don't know about the Archos, but I Like my Cruz T408. It's rooted and I have Google Market.
I would go with the T408 or T410, I also have a T408 and have had 0 issues, although mine is not rooted. I am sure DOA's happen, they happen to everyone and as for freezes, well mainly that is based on users. How you use it and if you root it, or what you install.... basically all you for freezes or at least as I have seen.

I would like to know if the T408 or T410 tablets are durable or not?
do they freeze or come DOA or with other problems like archos tablets?

which is more reliable archos or velocity micro?