Just Got Jelly Bean!

Mine has worked like a charm from day one, so much so I got my wife one and hers is spot on. Oh and I love jellybean!
How is it an over-reaction to return something that's broken that the manufacturer has shown no inclination to fix?

It might be more wide-spread than you think. My wife and I were having dinner with close friends last night. My buddy asked me what I'd decided to do about my GT2. I told him it was getting returned. His wife, who owns a Galaxy Tab 10.1, spoke up and said "Yeah, lately mine, when I go to paste, doesn't have anything to paste any more."

So that's two out of three Samsung Galaxy tablets in my personal experience. One might be inclined to wonder how many average consumers out there have had their tablets start exhibiting the effects of the Samsung clipboard bug and just decided to live with it?


The thing is, I have two current Samsung tablets, and have friends who own them, and am in contact with MANY people with Note 10.1 devices, and have not come across a device with this problem. Keep in mind most of these people are tech oriented and would recognize a problem if it occured. Again, I'm certainly not claiming it doesn't exist, only that it seems extremely rare, and Samsung devices, in my experience, are very reliable. If you honestly have experienced this failure in 2 out of 3 devices, you may want to buy a lottery ticket.....and maybe a Fountain Pen.

Quick Edit - I was actually attempting humor here other than my support of Samsung devices, I didn't mean anything personal.....and I actually collect Fountain Pens and they are prone to failure...

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
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I'm more referring to the cancelling of the Samsung account because "I won't likely ever be needing that again.".
Well, yes. Because, after what I've learned of Samsung's customer support (abysmal) and what I feel to be the endemic ineptness of their mobile device software developers, I have no intention of ever owning another Samsung mobile product ever again.

It's not just this clipboard crash bug, Tom. When I started looking into this, I found Samsung's mobile development team has something of a track record:

There were others I found. That was just the "cream of the crop," so to say.

Not a very attractive record. I wrote a polite email about it to The Office of the President. Like all my other communications to Samsung, all of which were invariably polite and factual: It, too, went unanswered.

It has become apparent to me that Samsung does not care about its customers.

If it was me I'd return it and get a replacement.
It's a software problem, you know. A software problem Samsung created.

Near as anybody can tell: The reason it shows up on some devices and not others is it's timing-related. But nobody knows, for sure, and Samsung isn't saying.

And I thought that 4.1.2 (or is it 4.2.0?) did fix it? At least I've read that somewhere.
4.1.2 is believed to fix it, but nobody knows that, for sure, either, because Samsung has never actually admitted to the bug's existence, much less announced that it was fixed. (Part of the customer experience thing.)

Samsung released 4.1.1 for the Tab 2, not 4.1.2. This despite the fact that the bug had been reported to exist in 4.1.1 long ago. They've not announced any intention to release 4.1.2 for the Tab 2.

Tom, I am now an irretrievably lost customer for Samsung mobile products. There is absolutely nothing they could do to get me back. They couldn't give me one of their mobile products. It's even questionable as to whether we'd buy another Samsung TV, particularly considering the Security Hole in Samsung Smart TVs Could Allow Remote Spying problem their latest products have. (Seeing any kind of trend, here?)

I'm glad for you your Samsung products are working well for you. I wish I could have said the same. I really, really liked that tablet. I really, really liked Samsung.

Not any more.

If you honestly have experienced this failure in 2 out of 3 devices, you may want to buy a lottery ticket.....and maybe a Fountain Pen.

Quick Edit - I was actually attempting humor here other than my support of Samsung devices, I didn't mean anything personal.....and I actually collect Fountain Pens and they are prone to failure...
We're good :)

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Hi guys! A few weeks ago I was considering buying a Nexus 7 but I ended up buying the Galaxy Tab 2 7inch instead. It was a real bargain so I guess that I'll stick to this one until N7 version two comes out.

Anyways.. what I wanted to ask is this. Can I use this guide to install CyanogenMod 10 on it? I've downloaded the correct ZIP files for my Tab 7 but I'd like to know if the install steps are the same as for the 10 inch one.

Thanks! :)
I recently bought a Galaxy tab 2 7.0 and it either shipped with 4.1.1 or it upgraded the day I unpacked it. I didnt think anything of it until I realized the screenshot icon was not where it showed in the documentation and when I looked at the info screen it said 4.1.1.

Is there a way to turn this feature back on or is this a feature that samsung decided to discontinue?

Sent from my DROID X2 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2