Just purchased a Flytouch 2, but I've noticed some issues.


Jan 23, 2011
Howdy all, registering so I can ask around about a few issues I've had with my Flytouch 2 since purchasing it about a week ago.

First thing I did after unboxing and charging my tablet was check for firmware updates. After finding version 2.1-1623 on here, I downloaded, updated (via SD card), and performed a clean factory restore.

Now, I'm not blaming the update, but...
1) Occasionally when I open the camera, or use it continuously for a hour or so, it will randomly shut off. I've heard that there are some issues with this tablet with shutting off, is there any remedy? Its VERY annoying when watching a video.

2) The wifi range sucks :/ I literally can't go downstairs and keep a signal, however on my netbook I still have 95% signal strength. Is this just an issue with the Flytouches in general?

3) The biggest issue, the GPS. I purchased this unit with the idea of using it as a GPS unit. However, my GPS. antenna connected or not, shows me in Thailand D:
I'm in Washington, as in the USA. Even if I let the device sit for 20 minutes in Google Maps or MapDroid, it shows me in Thailand. WTF

I love the little device, I really do, but I'm starting to wonder if I got a bum unit with these issues.
Can someone please help me out? After messing with mine, the girlfriend decided to order one as well. Is hers going to have the same issues? :(

I'm somewhat a noob to Android tablets, but I know my computers, so go ahead and throw some ideas at me.
Firmware: deb-r2.1.1561 is the latest official release, install that and see if you are having the same problems. there is alot of problems with 1623.
Reflashed it last night with your recommendation, however my GPS still refuses to lock and unfortunately, now my market is plagued with "the server error of doom" :(
to fix the server problem go to the you tube app and sign in with a you tube account and it will fix that problem. for the gps try leaving the antenna in view of the sky for 30 mins or so to see if it locks on i just tested mine and it took 40mins for it to lock on for the first time now it dose i all the time writhing seconds
Get GPS status app and use it to delete your GPS data (tools=AGPS = reset)
This helped me

I think it might be a bun unit, my Wifi is about as sensitive as other devices.

Hope this helps,
I had already attempted the Youtube trick (thanks Google =p) but I did find the solution to my marketplace issue.
Apparently it had downloaded a corrupt update for this January's new marketplace. Going into Applications and removing the Market's update solved my issue. Downloading apps no problem now.

The Wifi I'm not concerned about to be honest, while it would be nice, I mostly got my tablet for use in the car as GPS and for relaxing with an ebook or movie. Plus I just recently wired my home with Cat 5E in each room so I'm fine. :p

But, there still is the issue of the unit shutting off randomly. Is there any known reason for this? I've noticed that it happens quite a bit whenever I insert a sd card. I've checked and made sure the card is good and has a clean format to Fat32, but the unit still wants to be arrogant

I'll get back to you about the GPS after I install that app and let the unit sit for awhile, I'm really hoping it will acquire a lock :( It sees 1 or 2 satellites here and there, but it never locks.
I think you might have got a faulty item... Unless it's turning itself off when highly taxed and plugged in to charge? I don't know why but this is a common occurance for numeroud people....

Hope this helps,
Believe me, I'm not pushing this thing nearly to its limit. :(

Thats what I was afraid of; I got it through a local deal with someone, not from a factory.
I'm not sure of what type of warranty Flytouches have so any information there would be amazing.

As for the GPS, still no lock. I've left it outside, out in the clear for a hour now after clearing the cache and downloading the agps files. The GPS reports China still. Kinda funny actually, it shows me exactly where in the factory the GPS unit was tested lol I can't get it to update its position :(
Believe me, I'm not pushing this thing nearly to its limit. :(

Thats what I was afraid of; I got it through a local deal with someone, not from a factory.
I'm not sure of what type of warranty Flytouches have so any information there would be amazing.

As for the GPS, still no lock. I've left it outside, out in the clear for a hour now after clearing the cache and downloading the agps files. The GPS reports China still. Kinda funny actually, it shows me exactly where in the factory the GPS unit was tested lol I can't get it to update its position :(

Although this is a stale thread mine is exactly the same. I guess if I ever go to China I could go right to the factory. I have done the leave it outside thing many times. I have an extra external antenna. One more thing my camera doesn't work. I would love to totally reset it to factory original.:mad: