Killed my wopad: how to recover?


Jan 9, 2011
I have killed my 2 week old wopad

1. It started with when i wanted to make it work with ad hoc networks that i killed the wifi: after every reboot, i had to run:
adb.exe push wpa_supplicant.conf /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
to update that file, evenif it did not change, so that wifi would be able to be turned on
That was frustrating, but not blocking

however, since last night:
2. its not starting anymore
when it boots, i get:
The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpecttedly. Please try again
with a "force close" button
and when i press that, it tries to reload the home page and i get that message again
i have tried all the buttons, nothing gives
even the reset just restarts the tablet, nothing more

is there anyway i can restore the standard original rom without as it came out of the factory and get a working tablet again ? :(

Right now its just looping on that error message, i have tried to let the battery drain and restart completely but no good

google has not been much help, and the userguide is as good as non existent

thanks to all please
i can't even seem to find a guide on how to reflash a tablet

someone please help :(
If you have adb, you may be able to boot to a recovery mode to clear the data on the device. You can also try clearing the data and cache partitions manually if you have adb. Finally you may need to find an original firmware to flash.
You might need to go into the normal setting mode and do a factory reset.

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It would be great if detailed information could be posted on how you recovered your Wopad. These things are so new that, at this point, there really is no support and anything that we find would be helpful to others in the near future. I'm still waiting for mine to arrive, 22 days and counting.
I don't know how to install the image file for the wopad.
Is there someone out there that can help me?
i made a tut for backing up and restore before you do anythign backup allway first!