Kyros MID1024 Owners - Read This Before Flashing Any ROM!

i dont see it. here is what i see, Dashboard, System, Tasks, Apps, Logs. thats all
i already installed the market i will try to find the visibility test.
market always crash when i try to download/ :(

Hmmm, probably your LCD density is too big... Type the M (Menu) key, and you should see an overlay menu, tap More and you should be able to see Multitouch test.
ok got it thanks. well i tried the test and 8 out of 10 is the result.

so what now?
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start here
This is developement so it would be useful for you to read up on your device before you start flashing right away. This device is unlike android phones as it does not have a custom recovery. You are basically erasing the rom and replacing it with a new one. The information you seek is here, just scattered all about because of the fast advances that happened with the coby mid *024 devices. Goodluck The only rom I believe available is nefarious bread(sorry for wrong spelling) for mid8024 device. But Once you read up and understand whats involved you can easily modify a 7024 rom for your use