Larger Capacity Battery?


Feb 5, 2013
Hey folks,

So I picked up one of these for £33.30 (I'm British and had a discount code) because I thought for that price, why not?

Anyway I've been having a bit of a play with it, see if I can squeeze a little more functionality out of it and the first thing I thought was to improve the battery life, which is fairly poor. Unclipped the case and had a look, lo-and-behold the battery is tiny!

I've done a quick google search of the serial numbers printed on the back of it and from what I can gather it's basically an iPhone 4 battery, albeit most likely just a cheap replacement and not an OEM quality iPhone component.

Whilst I'm a dab hand at soldering, I don't know a thing about batteries, so all I can gather form this is that it's a 3.7v battery which charges at 4.2v (please correct me if I'm wrong). Since there's so much free space inside the case, I'd like to put in a bigger battery with a higher mAh to increase the battery life of this thing. My question to you guys is how can I find a suitable battery to do this?
i have no idea mate but i'm also interested in putting in a new/ better battery because the tablets great but the battery's rubbish, let us know how you get on :)
I also thought about changing my tablet's stock battery (it's piece of crap). So i took battery from my broken Kindle:

So what do you guys think about this? Can it be used for my A13 Tablet (i dont know exactly which type is it):

Do we have an outcome for this? I'd definitely be interested in upgrading the battery, driving me insane having in constantly on charge!
me too :) I know next to nothing about batterys so I'm really interested how you guys or anyone else has got on replacing the poor stock battery.
AFAIK this should work provided the new battery is the same voltage and the tablet can be closed again with it inside.