LePan resetted itself to factory default...with apps still installed !?!


Dec 21, 2011
Hi there,

My son's tablet was plugged in AC outlet and had charged overnight...It was completely turned off...I turned it on and unplugged the cable from the tablet during the Le Pan splash screen appearing on screen.

Then the tablet booted up like it was fresh out of the box...I was freaking out and tried to hit "skip" as much as possible to get to the main screen, expecting everything to be wiped out... But all apps/games were still there, wifi settings still present, etc.... I noticed a few apps weren't working properly (crashing message) when trying them....I turned off the tablet completely, then back on...Again with the factory reset screens!!!! and again all apps were still there....I uninstalled the apps I tested as not working properly, turned the unit off - back on a few times (with and without the cable plugged in), and it seems ok now...

So my 2 questions are: what might have happened...and can I be reasonably confident the tablet is ok and this was just a freak occurence? my kids loves his tablet, we have 4 in the house, and I know he would be not only quite disappointed to lose his toy, but to be the only one in the house being stuck in that position...

I researched this on the web but didn't find much info....

Thanks for your help!