Lines on Screen. Help!


Jun 28, 2011
I've regularly had problems with the Google applications. For example, Google Maps failed to download half the time, and the rest of the time it would often force close. But last night I tried Google Sky Maps for the first time: as soon as it opened, vertical and horizontal lines appeared on my screen. I closed Skymaps, but the lines didn't go away. I reboooted repeatedly, normally and using the reset button, and they're still there. The lines don't rotate along with everything else, but they do cut off a sizable chunk of the screen.

Has this happened to anyone else? How do I get rid of them? I can't really use the table for reading when it's like this!
This sounds like a defective screen, or a loose connector on the ribbon cable connecting the screen to the motherboard.
Often this can be caused by edge damage, (impact on the edge of the tablet sufficient to dent it), but occasionally
these connectors just work loose.

Its a warranty issue. It has nothing to do with google sky map, which I also use.

Your best bet is to take a picture of the damage (and maybe post it here just for future info) and call Acer warranty support.

For the record, Google Maps should never "fail to download" (what ever that means), as long as you have a good wifi
connection and you might want to clear its cache in Settings / Applications.
I just hope I have a warranty! (I didn't buy an extra one, so I have to check what Acer gave me with the purchase...) But I know I didn't bump or drop it in any way when this happened. (Though yeah, I didn't really think it was caused by Skymaps.)

As for Google Maps: sorry, I meant that it fails to load, rather than download. Basically, about half the time I click on it, I just get a black screen saying "loading google maps", but it never loads. When it does load, it crashes frequently, either with a force close or just refusing to show parts of the map in full resolution, and sometimes it won't work with the GPS for mysterious reasons. So far it's been more trouble than help. I haven't been using it with wifi though: I download the map of the city I'm in, and then use the map without wifi, but that shouldn't cause it to fail to load or to force close.