Meet the Motorola ATRIX 4G - The next bridge step for Tablets and mobile phones?


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Nov 26, 2010
Ever since the 70’s people have talked about a “tablet” device that would be an intermediary between your personal computer and your smaller mobile device(s). There have been a few companies that have since then tempted with this match, but it appears that Motorola is taking this to a new height. Hence, I introduce you to the Motorola ATRIX 4G.


This netbook hybrid comes with a cell phone docking station that allows you so sync your mobile device to your netbook and vice versa. Although this is not a new concept, it’s finally being manufactured by a large well known company.

You may ask yourself, “Well why are you posting this on a table website?” The answer is simple; tablets are very similar to how netbooks operate. If this netbook/mobile device becomes a profitable seller, one could only imagine this entering the tablet market.

The next evolutionary step would be to be able to connect your tablet to your phone, then your tablet, and phone, to your netbook or computer. Remember technology is ever so becoming wireless, and very much in sync. As computer technology increases more and more devices will be synced together, so much, that eventually you won’t even notice it anymore.
The only thing about what I wrote that I actually may not 100% agree with is... I think eventually tablets/mobile phones will merge into a single device. I see mobile phones increasing in size just a bit (to what new 4G phones are doing), but acting like tablets. I see this as a big push into late 2011 and into 2012.
Essentially in the future, your phone will be everything. You'll be able to pay for stuff, turn your car on, set house alarms etc etc

I like the idea of this phone/laptop but still think that because of HD and such, this phone still isn't powerful enough yet...which is sad because it's the most powerful phone out there.

Probably why the XOOM was rated best overall product at CES and not this thing. Though the engadget people say this is their product of CES
Interesting concept, but doesn't seem practical in today's market, maybe in a year or two.
I don't think the article (as it's posted right now) describes the product very well. It's not a "netbook hybrid [that] comes with a cell phone docking station"...

The better description is it's a bad-ass phone with some really cool accessories. Including docks that allow you to boot into a Linux based 'webtop' OS.

It's a dual core Tegra2 powered powered phone with some cool "docks":
Standard Dock
Multimedia Dock
Laptop Dock *Awesome idea having a 'webtop' OS
Wireless Keyboard