MID 8125 loses wireless connectivity occasionally, requires reboot


Dec 14, 2011
I'm having a problem that I've seen hinted at on several posts, but not squarely, so I thought I would post it to see if there is any feedback. I also have a note in to Coby on this one.

I have a MID8125-4G.

The Wi-Fi connection will drop occasionally and not come back. The icon in the notification area still says the tablet is connected to my Wi-Fi network, but any applications requiring the network stop working.

If I go to Settings -> Wireless and turn Wi-Fi off, then wait until it finishes, then try to turn Wi-Fi back on, the tablet will sit for about 30 seconds, then show "Error" under the Wi-Fi status.

Rebooting the tablet fixes the problem, but it happens several times an hour.

Other computers (my Apple MacBook Pro and my PC) stay connected to my Wi-Fi network without problems. My Wi-Fi is open and unencrypted -- I live in a very rural area and my neighbor is 1/4 mile from me, so don't pass judgment quite yet on that. :)

My first attempts at putting the Android Market on the tablet seemed to exacerbate the problem -- something in the Google Services Framework seemed to trigger this behavior each time... I could reboot, successfully browse web pages, open the android market, conduct a search, and nearly every time it would freeze the wireless at that point. I've since done a factory wipe to ensure that the Google stuff wasn't the issue.

The tablet is not rooted; stock 2.3.3 Gingerbread provided by Coby.

Any thoughts?
Do a factory reset (backup your data first) and try using WiFi with another router (another brand/model). If you still have problems I'd say you have a bad unit, this isn't supposed to happen.
Static IP is not the issue here. There is an inherent bug between the android operating system and the Kyros 8125 hardware.
This tablet is a bit of a pain in the rear. I had originally thought the issue was due to IP conflicts or the router trying to ban the device, but it happens on routers with no other devices connected, routers with no encryption, etc, etc...

I've seen many people having good results with an app called KeepWIFI which appaently override's the OS's ability to turn the wifi antenna on and off and keeps it on until YOU manually shut it off even if you set airplane mode. So while this is FAR from ideal I sure hope it works because this device is a good buy for the money and otherwise not bad... (aside from the semi-responsive capacitive screen, the low resolution, and the really really crappy AppsLib app market - no Netflix in the market, no google apps, no pandora, not much of anything good...). Most of its short comings can be worked around (Amazon App Market - download APKs manually, etc.).
I'll try the KeepWIFI app tonight and hope it works otherwise this piece of crap is going back. It has way too many hassles even for $150.
Yup, I'm the proud owner of an 8125 and it does the same thing. Appslib is refusing to work, so I can't even try the "keepwifi" fix. I hope someone can come up with a better solution soon.

update: downloaded KeepWIFI and installed it on my tablet. The problem with lost WIFI is about 90% fixed, yay!
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