MID NATPC M009S Unable to boot


May 16, 2012
I have in front of me a MID NATPC M009S which has failed to boot on every attempt.
It will pass the first splash screen (Green Android text, version number ( and then a cursor similar to a console or terminal, then it moves onto a screen with 'Android' in white and finally black. At this point, nothing happens.

I was thinking of trying to do a factory reset however I can't seem to find any information on it. I've pressed the 'reset' button on the side with the end of the pen whilst off, on and in it's apparent crashed state.

I've also noticed it to be building up heat in the lower section, if this helps any.

The Tablet it's self is 7 inch, 2GB, black front frame and a red back with decorations and what appears to be a small vent.
There's a power button on the top, a green light, camera
On the bottom is what I only assume is a menu button on the right ('M'), and an up and down arrow.
Below these are said reset button and a microphone.

The bottom has a circular button with an arrow circling back onto it's self, a round power connector, headphone jack, microSD card port and a data connector resembling and fitting an Apple connector.

(Sorry about the quality, I can't seem to stay still under pressure)

No key combinations have yet to solve anything (Power,screen,menu) (Power, screen, circle button), (Power, menu circle) etc.

Do and of you have any suggestions to try and resolve this problem? The data stored on this tablet is of no concern and I'd rather like to get it running.

Thank you in advance.

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As was pointed out by Spider on another thread, the views are most probably by Guests who cannot post! Patience until some member comes along who CAN post and, who knows, maybe even help!
I thank you for replying. It's easy to assume you're being ignored after getting no replies for 24 hours. I'm currently in the process of draining the power.
BTW, even if members view your thread they won't post unless they know the answer (unlike me, I post everywhere!)
I know, I'm fairly technical myself. I've done my fair share of posts on game sites. Some Jagex tech support people gave me a signed picture for my help over on the Runescape forums.
I'll just keep waiting and go study for my exam tomorrow.
Thanks for replying though, I really appreciate it!

Things I've done:
Every key combination at every stage of visible startup
Drained power
Connected via iPod cable (Oddly enough kind of works, I've gone through driver details and such and it registers okay, no access though)
Tried to boot from micro-SD (Changed nothing, don't even know if it registered)
Tried to boot from regular SD through card reader

Not tried:
Attaching a network cable
Removing the back
Smashing it into pieces
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I thought I'd bump this.
The device is still as useful as a chocolate teapot.
I am now having exactly, and I mean, exactly the same problem, I wanna lob it out of the window at the moment. I dont even know who the manufacturer is so I cant even send it back as its been a year and I don't have the box anymore, it is the most frustrating thing, as I haven't used it in absolutely ages.

Is there anyone else out there who is having or has had the same problem and has fixed this????