MID7024 BLUETOOTH; Using Alldro2 ROM by Steev


Dec 17, 2011
Hi all,

Using Steev's Alldro 2 ROM (v.1.1 at the time), I have been able to figure out a wireless bluetooth connection using an off-the-shelf bluetooth dongle. I can now wirelessly share files between my Mac and Tablet. It makes things much easier especially when you transfer numerous items between device and Mac.

Walk in to your local computer shop. and ask for a generic USB bluetooth dongle.

Using the MID7024 host cable, plug the dongle in to the female-USB port of the host cable

Open the power control widget on the tablet, and turn on USB host mode

When the power is fully on, then press the bluetooth toggle

If everything works, you should be able to see a blue LED flashing on the dongle.

Make your Mac bluetooth discoverable, and scan for devices using the tablet

The devices will pair but will not connect; this is ok. On the Mac's status bar, select your MID7024(will appear as GT-1000 in the device list), and then click send file. Choose a file to send, and confirm the transfer on the tablet. You're done. You can now transfer books, music, movies, documents, apks, etc. from your Mac to the tablet wirelessly.
